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Everything posted by Tutanic

  1. I can't remember what it was when I joined some 20 years ago. I will ask next time I get in contact. A crazy NB I always try things twice, Mick, I never believe the first answer...
  2. The results on this one suprised me to say the least. They are so true to the job I used to do. I knew I was in the right job when I first joined. A crazy Have you tried the color one on the same site? That's interesting.
  3. Come and join MENSA and see what they have to say about IQ Tests. I assume Humphries was a teacher of the old school, I had a Geography teacher who was cross eyed, Mr Bott, he used to launch the blackboard rubber at your head if he found a problem. The only thing was he would appear to look else where while taking aim, so all the class would duck, just in case... A crazy
  4. Anybody know anything about MENSA? A victory
  5. Took the test again and look what happened: This is an IQ of 131. A Fool
  6. I took the test and came out with 124. Not bad for an old 'un. A tease tease
  7. The Aspley Cinema is now no more, it changed to a restaraunt some years ago but has now closed its doors for good. We used to go over the railway line on Melbourne Park, I think we called it Piggies Way, it came out on Nutthall Road, some where near the cycle shop. Or opposite the Newcastle pub. Long time ago... A crazy
  8. Caz has a friend who lived on Melbourne Road, when she reads the posting she may know who you are talking about. Being 61 now, it would make me three years older and you know what it was like, don't mix with the youngsters... Does your husband remember the Police Box at the bottom of Melbourne Road and the railway lines that used to cross the road? Many happy hours spent down there. A Fool
  9. yahoo Hi Darcy. The site is a bit quiet at the minute, hopefully it will get busier as the weather cools down. Enjoy your visitors for the coming fortnight, it will give you chance to catch up. A crazy
  10. It's doing much the same here. It won't be this weekend, I have to break out the George Forman as well. I need to organise the moles so they don't dig up the garden yet again. Does anybody have a sure fire way of stopping them taking a fancy to my garden?? I don't want to kill them 'cause that is not good, I normally put a great big windmill in the ground and that frightens them off. Our garden backs on to fields and a pond so I have to take in to consideration the fact that the wildlife were here first. I also have a family of Shrews residing under the shed, they are fascinating thing
  11. Very much so!!! Prawns are fantastic when you barbee them on stix. I like ribs done the same way, I think I have still got some of them in the freezer, I must have a recky to the bottom and find the eskimo I am sure I had. Thinking about it, I may have enough stuff to work up a lather on the barbee, I shall see what I can find. My mouth is watering.... A crazy crazy
  12. If you lot didn't get that after all the clues I gave you, well....... A Fool
  13. NTL have just set up my son and daughter on Broadband. £9.99 a month for unlimited access, I reccomended them so I get £30.00 each from those two reccomendations. They receive the first month free. This is the current offer. I have been on it since February, changed the CPU and found it a little traumatic setting the new one up with the old modem, etc. With a lot of help from a very good friend I am now relatively problem free. A sorry
  14. We will have to keep pushing this one of it will get lost in the mud... A Kiss
  15. Does this help you at all? A Kiss
  16. I know patience is a virtue but I don't have any. (patience that is) Does it have a connection with Lager, the drink you are loathe to imbibe? A Friends
  17. Well, is it fishy or not then??? Vampire
  18. This looks a bit fishy to me, but not quite as fishy as it should!! What do you think? A Kiss Shock
  19. That made me laugh, Mick, the inuendo in his humour was fantastic. As for how many kids do I have, it is still four, we found out what made them and stopped it, problem solved ! ! ! We decided to have the problem sorted out more permanently, this had to be undertaken twice... Something akin to a double barreled shotgun. It appears this is a one in one thousand occurance. I got the original '2 for the price of 1' I love him to bits and wouldn't change him for the world, same goes for my kids. The youngest is now 32 and 6ft 7in and the eldest is 37 and artistic. The boy and girl in betwe
  20. Having had four kids in four years, I don't know what you mean! We relented in the end and aquired a television, we decided it was cheaper than buying a bigger house. Say no more!! A Friends
  21. Another way of killing your TV stone dead is to site your Christmas tree so the tinsel falls into the back. Not a good thing at all... Tinsel and Tellies do not mix. A Shock
  22. Thank you for finding this that was lost. Me thinks they have been multiplying 'cause I have found another one which I will post when I have scanned it to a level that is acceptable to you. I think the one I have was on Mablethorpe promenade, near the cafes and ice cream shops. A crazy crazy
  23. The creamy stuff would be either Angers Emulsion or Scott's Emulsion. Does any one remember Liquafruita, an evil stuff that was concentrated garlic. I could never quite work out why this was administered, did no one like kids in the good old days?? Hope your better half comes through her ordeal relatively unscathed, BIP. Not a pleasent time for either of you. Hope you make the holiday, it will do her good. Have a good one Ilko and don't think about Daphne, she won't be far behind you... A yahoo
  24. When I have them in my hot sticky hands, Ilko, you will be the first to know. A
  25. What about Camp coffee? And OMO washpowder. Names to be conjured with. Shall we digress in to the adverts, what could you spray on a mirror 'cause it was crystal clear? What did you do to wonder where the yellow went? A