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Status Replies posted by letsavagoo

  1. I won’t reply on the thread Col but thanks for the reply re your amp. The linked is a bit out my price range too.

    Kind regards.


    1. letsavagoo


      Thanks Col. I’ll take a look at Pink Fish. I’ll wait on buying anything until I’ve got the horns up and running. They may surprise me. I’ll post a link to the  construction details which were in one of the electronic diy type mags a few years ago if you’re interested.
      kind regards.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. I won’t reply on the thread Col but thanks for the reply re your amp. The linked is a bit out my price range too.

    Kind regards.


    1. letsavagoo


      You have some excellent kit Col. 

      The horns I am building are not big. They are a folded design and look like standard towers, smaller than the kefs I sold. Almost like a transmission line but have a folded horn routed within. I actually had a TD 125 with sme arm. I sold it. I also had a Reference Hydraulic Transcription turntable and Lowther horns for a while. They was a friends who passed away and I had the option to buy it but I thought the deck was awful and it went to Japan. The horns were rotten, been stored damp and the drivers both needed rebuilding so they went to Japan too. Ideal world I’d like some decent speakers and power amp. 
      Cheers Col.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. I won’t reply on the thread Col but thanks for the reply re your amp. The linked is a bit out my price range too.

    Kind regards.


    1. letsavagoo


      At the moment Col, I have two preamps with phono inputs. The Croft valve unit and a Musical Fidelity. Both are top notch. A Thorens turntable, I think it’s a 105, one of the cheaper ones but a decent cartridge and it sounds pretty good. I sold some Kef floor stand speakers and haven’t replaced them yet. The amp I use is a John Linsley-Hood class A I made years ago. I did have a home built (not by me) Mullard 3-3 amp tube amp but sold that. Wish I hadn’t as it sounded nice but was a bit underpowered for the Kefs. So at the moment I don’t have a working system. The home built class A is undergoing a cosmetic rebuild. It works well but looks terrible so I’m going to smarten it up. I have all the timber professionally machine cut to make a pair of horn speakers which have good reviews. I haven’t bought the actual drivers yet. 

      I’ll get the speakers put together and see how they go. The home made class A is really good but only about 10 watts a channel so I’m hoping the horns turn out sounding good as they will be very efficient. 
      I have a Philips cd but my main interest is vinyl. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. I saw your message about Jill dying. Yes, she has too many birds and you can catch diseases from having too many birds. I am not quite sure how to reply in the forums. I am just winging it and hoping i am doing it right. I will keep trying to get to know how to navigate around the site. Thanks 

    1. letsavagoo


      Hi Beni. You seem to be doing okay. Just wondering what your name is. Do we know each other? I'm David Priestley always known as Biz. I lived on Grimston Road and had an older sister Janet.

      best wishes.
