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Everything posted by rushy

  1. yes mr bip on the rihgthandside befor the crossing wher also at one time of day there use to be the trollbus trminus; nowday cowlick road not such a bosy road the main rood now is daleside raod wich go nethrefeild; borton joyse; gunthopre; and southwill;
  2. the ginger fom was at the end of cowlick road on the rihgtand side just befor the woods i remember thinking when they wer biulding it what a strange place to put a pub im suprised nobody siadowt at the time,
  3. the ginger tom use to be a good pub till it got knoked down i remember it being biult roundabout the 60s i remember saying to my mate loch it seams a wasyste of time biulding a pub there i remember was ther never a lot of poepole went in there but it was a good pub, i drunk in ther lots of times,
  4. my favorites were brut lancaster and victor mature,
  5. me and my friend loch went to see the picture herculys unchained there.
  6. my farther went to his school long ago he used to be called ted
  7. st barthelowmews/thorneywood rise
  8. me too, those were the days.