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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Saw it a while back...hard to recognise Luton nowadays.
  2. Opened the curtains to see this...hope there was a time gap between these two...
  3. Speculation...both methods were used by the Greeks and Romans, so I see no reason why not over here...apart from the lack of sun. Certainly quicker for simple messages than a swift horse.I think with regard to mirrors I read somewhere the use is shown in a frieze, possibly on Trajans column.
  4. I was led to believe the site at Broxtowe was more likely a villa than a fort.I guess in those days the local hoodies were members of the Corieltauvi gang (I mean tribe) A visit to Dorket Head north of Arnold stresses the importance of elevated sites to the Romans.Nowadays in clear weather, Belvoir Castle can be seen in one direction and the Charnwood Hills around Coalville in the other. Communication between Dorket Head by Heliograph (mirrors) or signal fires would have been simple with the fort at East Bridgeford (Margidunum) the other side of the Trent. Nearby Fox Wood just above Calvert
  5. Moving house today...so disconnected now for a while.Waited 3 months and was told today they want keys by 4pm so I'm soddin' busy. Slag me off rotten now...I can't see it anyway. I shall miss 'Lotsamoney' and Co. for his futile attempts to stir the s***
  6. Fiona Pilkington killed herself and her daughter after years of suffering bullying by local yobs. Everybody's jumping on the bandwagon now telling us there will be a clampdown.Police admit they've done a crap job... Labour says they are going to bring in new laws to stop benefits if parents don't control their kids...So they won't be able to feed and clothe their kids then ????...As if. To my mind the police have it all a*** about face.Surely their purpose is to cruise the streets stopping trouble BEFORE it starts.Like the Yanks do in many cities with prowl cars patrolling the streets. For
  7. Very true...and a damned ugly one at that.The engraving above gives a clue what it must have looked like in earlier days.It must have been an imposing castle in it's day.Before the Duke of Newcastle decided to turn it into an ugly mansion.
  8. With the ridiculous rent and business rates they are the only ones can afford the shops with their charity status. High streets are as you say just catering establishments (high profit) estate agents,travel agents and the like. Other retailers have been driven out by the supermarkets.Everywhere you go ...boarded up shops. Idiot councils with their Tesco chums. Can't comment on their prices...never used one...prefer the car boots.
  9. A book about Nottingham castle dedicated to the 5th Duke of Newcastle printed in the 1800s...A long but interesting read. Check out the print on page 15 for a fascinating print of the early castle and town. Just scroll down page by page and click on the zoom top left to enlarge or decrease page size. http://www.archive.org/stream/nottinghamitsca00hinegoog#page/n0/mode/1up
  10. Went in a phone box opposite the Metropole once.There was a bunch of about 50 keys hanging from the cash box.Phoned the operator and a guy turned up 10 minutes later and took them...never even said thanks. I wonder how many I could have emptied if I'd been that way inclined?...Knowing my luck I would have picked all those that had already been emptied.
  11. Mine was a Ford special kit car..ready built £120. Based on an E93a engine and chassis. Looked like an E type... Drove like an E93a... Boiled like a Swan kettle...
  12. Have you noticed how old timers (keep forgetting I'm one myself now) when they go on about going out to the Palais...getting drunk...and getting fish and chips all for a quid.They never mention the fact that they were only on five quid a week at the time. I still find it hard to believe that when I got my first car I only got 8 quid a week,and never remember being short of money Mind you Jet petrol was five gallons for a £1 then...now it's the other way round ...1 gallon for 5 quid.
  13. Polish politicians have voted in a new law for the chemical castration of paedophiles...good for them. Our tossers wouldn't do this in case it affected their 'Yuman rights'
  14. Shortly after decimalisation they were still available at 4 for a penny (new one) lots of lovely extra profit for the manufacturer....lovely jubbly. I was at a top secret meeting of crisp manufacturers in Lincoln when I worked for Smiths Crisps.A packet of ready salted with the blue bag of salt was 3d (30 drams)...Golden Wonder and other manufacturers were proposing a larger bag at 6d and wanted Smiths to follow suit,which they did. Over the next year...surprise surprise...the 'New' bag was reduced in weight back to the original 3d bag...No wonder they wanted to keep it quiet.Double your mo
  15. Legal tender maybe,but not used for several years, all the cheap kids sweets then were a halfpenny.
  16. The diary was written at a time when people were educated in proper schools by proper teachers in an age without computers ,TV, and all the rest of the modern crap. If you find it difficult to read I suggest you ring Jeremy Kyle and try to get on his moron programme to argue your corner. You say people can understand your posts....only because they feel sorry for you and take the time to interpret your Katie Price version of the English language.The "more concerning of your readership" I take it is meant to say "Discerning" If you are incapable of using and reading our language properly I su
  17. Another mosque on the way is it? Or is it a crafty way of building another tescos?....with a domed roof.
  18. I'm the same...not a penny coming in for 2 months.My house is sold and hopefully I get the cheque next Monday.Then I can pay back relatives that have kept me going for the last few weeks.Thanks to solicitors pratting about for weeks that's going to amount to quite a bit.
  19. Now then...... The print on that link is of the mansion I've been on about and it's Pierrepont Hall...now if thats the case, but Thurland was the biggest house in Nottingham for very many years, how come Thurland doesn't stand out like a sore thumb on the larger picture?
  20. That's got to be it...8 acres...Biggest house in Nottingham at the time...demolished 1831...extensive gardens. http://www.nottshistory.org.uk/articles/briscoe1905/thurlandhall1.htm
  21. 'Liberated' isn't that we did for the Iraqis Dunno much about railways, but boy on that map the Victorian rail layers were busy little buggers weren't they?