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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Yes you must !jumping! !chattin'up! !heavy petting! !smoking fag!
  2. I hope that's not Centigrade...
  3. Mansfield way....I've seen worse...
  4. The bottom end?...both by the look of it.
  5. That's where I am every night,but without the booze.
  6. You and me gonna dream about Radford at this rate Cliff Ton...
  7. Gimme a clue....where is it? Got it!! 1901 1916 1953...No.24
  8. That was to become Barnetts on the corner with the plot on Norton Street not yet built.Another twenty years before that came about. In 1881 the Players site was still fields and orchards. 1901 and Players had built their factory,alongside a lace factory. Fifteen years later they had taken over the lace warehouse and it was now a bonded tobacco warehouse. The Boulevard site was still parochial land.
  9. Give me a specific area Mick and I'll find it on that scale and blow it up.Bet you'll hardly recognise it though from 1881. I'm wondering why some buildings are solid and some chequered...glass roofs?....conservatories/greenhouses? The Alma pub is marked on there at the crossroads.(Not on that bit though)
  10. The hospital first appeared around 1900 and on one map is marked Institution Hospital so may be associated with the workhouse/childrens institute next door. Must have been a nice place to live with gardens and fields around it...or at least the view was.Inside may have been another matter. A new Radford Union workhouse for 200 inmates was erected in 1837-38 at the south side of Outgang Lane (now Hartley Road) in Nottingham. It cost about £2,600 to build and could accommodate 200 inmates. The building's design appears to have been based on the cruciform layout that was popular at this period
  11. God knows who dreamed that one up.... -40 in some parts of Siberia...and they don't seem to be short of the white stuff.
  12. A pain in the bum...but I can't see where you need extra heating.Just block it up with paper and a piece of cardboard taped over it.
  13. Hopefully for one day only...milder next week...if they're right of course.
  14. I've read of it CliffTon but can't remember now...On the early map in very small print amongst those trees the word 'tank' appears many times....wonder if that was fresh water or sewage?
  15. 1882 Mick..the area was still mostly fields.The Institution was originally built to take excess children from York street workhouse which was overflowing.I guess like nowadays some PC type decided the name workhouse should be phased out.
  16. Not too sure exactly where you mean Mick... 1882 1916
  17. Boom! Boom! Lea Street...Edinburgh Street.
  18. When I want to tell government departments my inner thoughts I'll log onto this worldwide spy network.
  19. I always liked Ceylon...let me know if you go to Rhodesia or Peking...
  20. Polish.....Top brass...forget his name.
  21. Very little in pictures of that area except the library...all those shops further down and I've found none at all.
  22. Bobbers Mill.....Good place to park your truck off the main drag so the gaffers wouldn't spot it...Cracking bacon cobs with tomato.
  23. I remember the dark haired pony tailed lass that ran it...before that it was a barbers shop...George Jones.He moved into the shops a few hundred yards towards town past Bar Lane.
  24. Strange thing is Cliff Ton...why Regent Hill in the first place? The roadway to the houses is Prince Regent Street.Why the narrow track leading to the rear of the properties should be named at all defeats me. Edit...But looking again I guess it's the only access to the houses on the lower side of the road.