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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Ashley..... An old timer we mentioned this to years ago reckoned it would be one of the weird and wonderful devices dreamed up by the local Dads Army lot that exercised there.Usually more dangerous to them than it would have been to any Germans.
  2. Not many of the 'sit by the fire with the dog' pubs left.
  3. Mate of mine as a kid spotted something on the bank of the Leen there...He said it looked like a bike battery...and being a kid threw it into the stream...Seconds later he was thrown to the ground by a huge explosion and water spout. Whatever it was...and probably left over from wartime....it was not meant to be mixed with water. Frightened the crap out of him.
  4. Their Alfeton Road place wasn't exactly spacious.Room for a few single deckers..The toy shop used to do okay though.It was quite a busy street though with Marshall and Hancocks Ironmongers and Temples the Newsagents just yards away.
  5. As I've read there were eight or more springs to the north of Arnold a couple of centuries back.I guess they all run underground now to feed the Daybrook.When I lived near the Eagle pub land to the North was still fields and I walked along a typical Dumble there with a nearly dried up stream.I guess this is your 'Hobbocks' On crossing the playing fields on Coppice road there is a twichell that leads into the housing estate.Over the years when walking up there I've heard rushing water from under an inspection cover...I used to think it was just a sewer..it makes more sense now that it is proba
  6. My main point in that thread was that if that was a pic of Edwards Lane then they must have moved a helluva lot of sandstone to widen the road and build the later houses.However I now feel it may just be where they said...in the black and white pic the lodge house near what is now the hospital can be seen in the distance on the left.And in this Google pic you can see that the houses are actually built quite high up on the Sherwood side of Edwards Lane...the handrail on one house shows this.And where the houseowner has cut out a section for parking it's just solid sandstone.So maybe they did re
  7. 'Aint been out at night for years Mick...and there's not many pubs I can take my lads in with me.They never leave my side.Anyway they're having friends round for lunch...
  8. Makes all the difference when you have family...I won't see a living soul as usual...my lads in Oz now,so it's just me and the dogs. All I want for Chrimbo is these soddin' emoticons to stop mucking about...sometimes they're working ...now they aint.I know I'll bring one from Photobucket....
  9. You can only go on what you've heard and taken in good faith. We know now that Elvis choked in Rainworth after eating Shergar on a bun at one sitting. You gotta feel sorry for him...he died of Roneryness.All his people crying hysterically...not 'cos the little pillock is dead....but they have seen what's taking his place...We could send 'em Camilla and Big Ears....they'd bloody cry then.
  10. Sorry...but I hate this time of year with a passion...makes no differencee to me whatsoever...roll on spring.Too busy watching the gas meter to celebrate damn all...
  11. How these urban legends start Lord only knows..But Neilson was spotted near Woodhouse and detained outside the 'Junction' chippie in Rainworth...pictured. It's situated on the Y junction at Rainworth...that was the point where the cop said "Which way?" and Neilson being distracted was overcome after nearly blowing the cops ear off in the car. By the way if ever you're passing...try that chippie...the fish n chips are spot on...
  12. Apart from the cops that got him.One of the worst cases of police incompetence ever..They searched the park where Leslie was hidden in a drain, and found nothing.The public (including some kids) found several pieces of evidence over the next week that the police had missed,leading to the discovery of her body.She might be alive today if they had done their job properly.
  13. They do sometimes and not others... hellothere hellothere hellothere hellothere
  14. Does it spell out your name exactly or what?
  15. The 'Black Panther' has died in hospital.This serial killer and post office robber was best known for the death of Leslie Whittle who he kidnapped. A clever and devious man he was captured armed with a shotgun outside a Rainworth chip shop by two... lucky to be alive.. coppers...and the help of some local miners. His very first burglary was at a post office on Gordon Road Nottingham.It was reckoned his success at avoiding capture for so long was that he didn't use a getaway vehicle,so road blocks didn't work....he would park many miles away and then escape the area on foot across country.
  16. Anybody willing to dip their genitalia in Camillas horse saddle battered nether regions should get a VC never mind a cushion.
  17. I've sussed out quite a bit including addresses back to 1861..got to pay out for some census stuff and birth certificates to go back further...but don't mind that.I've found out that Great Grandfather had five sons..eldest 19 and his wife was 32 at the time.So I guess he was married before.He was a hosiery worker and his eldest a frame work knitter...so poorly paid.But one of his sons set up a good business still going today, and two others became accountants...he must have grafted hard to get them so well educated in those days. I also got lucky...the street he lived on was all demolished ye
  18. About time I did more research before I snuff it...anybody recommend a site for census details etc? Which one do you think is the best of the bunch?
  19. Violet Mabel Player born 1900 died 1957 according to Genes United...if indeed it is the same one.
  20. Late fifties used to play snooker in the Mechanics opposite...then at 9ish call in there for a coffee every week..it closed at ten.But I'm sure I would have remembered Marsdens name...I seem to remember it was another branch of Cappocis at the time (or a very similar outfit) ....around '59
  21. Are these the same pillocks that forecast a blazing hot summer?...You're better off looking at a pine cone.
  22. I made that twenty odd years ago...but then my niche was reproducing things...not making the originals.
  23. Really!....How does she get behind that counter wearing a bustle and whalebone stays?....
  24. I see that the south of the rail line is marked as 'allotments'for quite a length.So a bridge there from the housing estate would have been well used.Not a sign of it now on Google earth. Edit..Having said that..on the map showing the estate houses the bridge is already dismantled...so I guess it was for farm carts and livestock not local gardeners...