Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. 1 hour ago, Mess said:

    Contrary to popular belief there's a lot of science behind the products and when I later became one of their palatability scientists I had to delve into the chemistry of flavour to try and work out what cats and dogs like to eat. Now that was a challenge and absolutely fascinating.


    And pet food is an unusual subject when it comes to advertising, because the manufacturers can't address their advertising directly to the consumer, they have to speak to the consumer's owner, which is a bit convoluted and awkward.

  2. I can't bear the thought or sight or taste of milk on its own. I'm only happy with milk when it's hidden within something greater.


    It stems from the days of being force-fed milk at school. I hated having to drink one of those small bottles of milk with a straw; the taste, the smell and the sight of it were revolting back then, and still are today

  3. 24 minutes ago, Oztalgian said:

    Are the supermarkets in the UK legally obliged to show unit pricing, ours are?


    Yes they are, but I sometimes wonder how many people - apart from me - read it and understand it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Oztalgian said:

    The worst offenders can be found in the cereal aisles of our supermarkets. Our version of Weetabix (Weet Bix) has reduced in size from 1.2Kg to 1.12Kg yet the box size has remained the same as has the price 


    It's called shrinkflation and has received a lot of coverage here.






  5. 51 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

    Charles...ah yes. He was the little lad whose image appeared on National Savings Stamps when I was a child and his sister, Anne, appeared on those stamps of a slightly lesser value. 


    I remember those stamps in my days at Infants & Junior School. My parents gave  6d per week for a stamp, and by the end of the school year I had the massive sum of £1.


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, plantfit said:

     I notice quite a few words in that statement that either wasn't around when I was younger (chill out, emails, websites, strimmer) another sign of getting old


    At least you know what those words mean, and you can use them in a sentence.


    The time to be worried is when you think you're reading a foreign language.

    • Like 1
  7. Unfortunately denshaw and myself are only Moderators and don't have any powers with Admin topics. The only person who can do that is Mick2me, and he's not very often here.


    One way around the problem might be for Radfordee to create a new account; ie - go back and pretend she's never been here before.


    When doing that there are two things to remember:


    1. Don't use the same email address as previously.

    2. Don't use the same name (eg. use Radfordee2 or similar).



    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Beekay said:

    This is the only heading I can get now...



    The only other suggestion I can make is.....


    Click on the three black dots at top right.


    That should enable you to scroll down to an option called 'Desktop Site'....which might bring back the missing features.



  9. 11 hours ago, Beekay said:

     If I'm looking at something else then I close that and on home screen I tap on NS which I have put there.


    The thing you tap on is, effectively, a bookmark. Delete it from your homescreen. Then search for Nottstalgia as though you'd never been there before.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Beekay said:

    Tried that Phil., it's ok on my other tablet but I must have touched something on this one but don't know what. I might delete it and try re-downloading it. Unless of course CT can come up with a solution. B.


    What is it that you might be deleting and re-downloading ?   


    Are you accessing NS from a bookmark ?     


    Delete the bookmark, and then do a search for NS as though you'd never seen it before.

  11. On 9/14/2023 at 12:34 PM, nonnaB said:

    We are getting concerned about all the immigration boats coming in to Lampedusa. It’s only a small island and up to now immigrants have been welcomed with open arms but now it’s getting too much. The other day there were 6000 immigrants plus odd small boats with 100 Persons  on board.


    I thought that name rang a bell. The story featured on BBC News website.