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Everything posted by DJ360

  1. I disagree totally. We need an opposition and we need this Govt. held to account. They have got much wrong. Let's firstly not forget that for 10 years the Tories have been cynically and deliberately underfunding the NHS. Also, despite their protestations, they have increased the involvement of private enterprises in the delivery of healthcare. Sometimes with very poor results. Meanwhile it is well documented that many on the right have personal interests in privatised healthcare and are quietly lobbying to achieve a US style insurance based system. I don't think they are doi
  2. Loppy, what you describe is I think known as 'Emotional Lability' It certainly affected me for a while after my small strokes. Fortunately the worst has passed over time, though I still have my moments. There's a description in the link below.. though it seems to describe the more extreme version with hysterical laughter followed by crying etc. My experience was much more subtle and low key. I wish you well.
  3. Loppy, re: Stroke. I've had two small ones diagnosed around ten years ago. Not as big as yours and I feel lucky they weren't worse, but they can have peculiar effects in my experience. I regained most feeling and most movement in my arm over a period of days and even wondered whether what I'd had really were strokes. but the Docs insisted they were. So, the good bit in my experience is that things generally improve over time and the more you try the better it gets. The slightly bad bit.. (though in my personal experience it's no more than a bit of a niggl
  4. I have no time for his politics or his ambitions, but I hope he recovers from the virus soon.
  5. Brew, you will note that I made little comment other than to post the link. As I've been at pains to point out more than once, I accept that we live in a Capitalist World. However, I also have been at pains to point out that in my view Capitalism must be constrained by Govt as it has no inherent social conscience or morality and allowed to proceed unfetterred it brings misery to millions and obscene wealth to a few. In the context of the current World Coronavirus crisis, I have no doubt that there will be profiteering, and that also, many will make fortunes by per
  6. Stav, in my experience Fuschias can look quite dead and then suddenly start sprouting, though many of the more fancy ones aren't reliably hardy. Fuschias in pots really repay 'pinching out'. Keep taking the growing tips out of shoots so that they then produce two shoots and so on. You end up with a much bushier plant with more flowers. If your pots are newly planted, the compost bag you've used will have info about how much nutrient it has and how long it will last before plants need feeding. All container grown plants will need feeding at some point as they only h
  7. Just had a look at Flightradar 24.,-131.6/2 Still a frightening amount of traffic, though a very high proportiomn seems to be freight. However.. a number of flights.. Mostly BA, leaving London Heathrow for undisclosed destinations.... I suppose they could be flights to pick up Brits trying to get home? Or are they rats leaving a sinking ship? Very odd.
  8. In other news: Quel surprise...
  9. On the upside, my garden is looking nice. Early days yet, but I have anemones flowering strongly in the 'hot' border, which will come into it's own later with Clematis Niobe, a pink Paeony, and a dozen or so other border perennials including Penstemons, Scabius and Delphinium. The shady bit at the top has primulas which are as good as they've ever been in reds and yellows. They are easily divided but I usually forget. I'll do them as soon as they finish flowering. Also in that border are about 5 or 6 Kgs of Daffodils/Narcissiusses which I planted last Sept. Flowering strongly.
  10. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here waiting for the much heralded "single warm sunny day with temps up to 20 degrees C". Not much sign of it yet.. just an averagely bright day, lot of high cloud and a cool breeze. I suspect my sun lounger will stay stashed under it's cover round the side of the house for now. OTOH, I confidently expect the forecast for cloud and rain tomorrow will arrive promptly and exceed expectations.... It's being so cheerful as keeps me going...
  11. Hi Oz, I've no idea if this helps. We have one of those unbranded black glass cooker hoods that sit at an angle on the wall, rather than the type with a full on hood with corners that you keep banging your head on. Similar to this: The smaller panel unclips to allow access to the washable aluminium mesh filter. ( Push panel in at the bottom to release clips nd lift panel off the 'hangers' at the top. Also, once it is off you can access the lamps. They are mounted at the bottom of the unit 'firing' downward. IIRC, it is necessary to push the lamp holder sideways to
  12. One for Lizzie. I'm told that Kezia Gill is doing a live Facebook concert tonight I don't know more than that. Tony Coburn of the Cavern Club Beatles also told me he might do something to night and would let me know in advance.. No word so far. Meanwhile a local dairy has reported on F'book that some low life(s) have followed one of their milkmen and stolen everything he's delivered to doorsteps. Cheese, Eggs, Yoghurt, Bread, and of course milk.. much of it intended for vulnerable/isolated people. I as going to ay words fail me.. but they don't. It's
  13. I'm not prepared. I was resigned to shuffling off this mortal coil sometime in the next few years when the old ticker gives out. That seems fair. This virus is a very cruel and pitiless thing which gives no quarter and I really would rather not succumb if that's OK with whatever forces determine such things. And anyway.. I haven't finished the decorating...
  14. A couple of day ago I planted some carrot seeds in deep pots. Done more in hope than expectation as the seeds are well out of date. I've found that carrots grow better for me in deep pots than in my little veg patch. I tried using plastic crates with a 50/50 mix of sand and compost but that didn't work.. which is odd since carrots are supposed to like sandy soil.. I can keep the pts high up on an old table to discourage Carrot Fly. Today (Weds) I planted up some flower seeds. Mrs Col got a pack of 8 types supposedly insect and bee attractants.. so I've thrown Shirley Poppies d
  15. Being perfect, I always endeavour to have my re-useable bags ready and my card easily accessible for payment. I get annoyed with people who bugger about and especially the ones (mostly women) who wait until they've been told what to pay before they start looking for their card or purse at the bottom of some bag which is as deep as the Mariana Trench. I find it dumb and a bit selfish. However, because, being perfect, I am obviously negotiating the check out as quickly as is humanly possible.. I get even more annoyed with people who push up close from behind. The la
  16. So do I Jill and normally I wouldn't consider online food shopping. However, I've been socially distancing for weeks.. since long before we were 'ordered' to. It would all be a bit pointless if I were to acquire CV whilst wandering about in a supermarket, and as far as I'm concerned that is a possibility even in well managed queues etc. So, I'd prefer not to take my 71 year old male heart with blocked right ventricular artery, RV muscle death and moderate LV failure, into any avoidable possibility of getting the bug. To do so would just give me cause to worry even more for a co
  17. I've been trying several supermarkets to get deliveries as I really don't feel safe doing the shopping. So I spent an hour tonight being ignored by the Asda website and being frustrated by the Morrison's web site. I don't know how they work.. but at the last minute before I gave up, a little '£1' appeared in the last slot on the last day of Morrisons deliveries. I clicked on it and suddenly I had a slot!!! Whoopee!! So.. I made the huge mistake of waking Mrs Col from her slumbers on the couch and asked if she'd like to do the shop. She said yes. (She likes to be in charg
  18. I can believe it. As far as I'm concerned there's no such thing as 'mild' Flu.. so a 'very bad' Flu would be terrifying.. which would make 'serious Covid' totally petrifyingly scarily terrifying. Or worse.
  19. Brew.. the conditions for this sort of Dictatorship have been there for years... CV is just a convenient excuse.
  20. Which leaves us wondering who it is... Right or Left.... which is keenest to tear down which (parts of) 'the system'? My own view is that the Right want to tear down 'The State', and especially anything even vaguely related to the Welfare State. This is partly ideological, but it is mostly pragmatic desire to get their hands on all that luvverley public money. OTOH, the Left simply want to stop the process being driven by the Right, as well as forcing the Right to pay taxes and stop 'offshoring' the cash they make off the backs of Brit workers.
  21. So good you said it twice...
  22. Really Red? The EU is responsible for CV too?