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Everything posted by Stan

  1. My local was the `Empress' on St.Ann`s W.Rd and sometimes the Cavendish. The main thing about the Empress I remember was the brainwashing! Half way through the lights went up and there were songs and chants about how wonderful the kid`s club was on a Saturday morning. I remember one particular Saturday when all the kids rushed across the road to buy the first copy of `The Eagle' comic(remember Dan Dare?). I think the Empress (wait for it Mick) is now a Mosque.
  2. Sorry to disagree with you Bip,but you obviously have never met any SAS. They would never descend to the level of some of this disorganised rabble. It is very difficult to comprehend the amazing standards expected of these supermen!(the SAS that is)
  3. British policing has 'lost its way', says top officer British policing has “lost its way” amid the “noise and clutter” of Government targets, initiatives and new laws, the chief of inspector of police has said. By Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent Published: 10:00PM GMT 25 Nov 2009 Mr O'Connor spoke after he unveiled a critical HMIC report into protest policing, following the G20 demonstrations Photo: GETTY Denis O’Connor, Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary, told The Daily Telegraph that forces have “drifted away” from the core basics of frontline policing and serving the
  4. NOTTS Chief Constable Julia Hodson says she wants the force's crime fighting capability to be as "exciting" and "stimulating" as Twenty20 cricket. Ms Hodson referred to the shortened matches when speaking at this afternoon's launch of the Force's Policing for You with 20/20 Vision project. She said: "Twenty20 games are exciting and stimulating and that's what we want for our staff." The project will see 70 specialist Notts police officers are being drafted in to tackle serious volume crime and anti social behaviour across the county. Should think being held up at knife or gun point would b
  5. Same here ,Jonesy. I was really looking forward to another visit to the panto at Theatre Royal at Xmas but am now a little worried. Wonder if we could entice a policeperson onto the streets in Nottingham to look after the people of this once `Queen of the Midlands" Our new lady Chief Cop does not seem to be having much effect from your report.
  6. Just for the sake of completion,- next to the bandstand was an icecream kiosk which sold the most superb ice-cream (made on Robin Hood st. by Capocis(dunno how it was spelt).My mate John Hardy`s mum worked there so needless to say the helpings were rather large! Adjacent to this was the piddling pool(!) which was always spotless(AND full of water). Happy hours were spent there then across the road to fish in the Trent. The really big deal was the w/e trip on the motor launch to Colwyck(Colic!) pleasure park for the swings and roundabouts. -and the really really big deal was to be taken out
  7. Thought I might look further into the `Memorial Gardens subiect. What a clever chap Jesse Boot was! From his summer house on the south side of the Trent, the Gardens were directly across the river,and then a totally uninterupted view of open land right across to the University,almost in line,miles of open space,so purchasing the 36 acres directly opposite his house ensured his view was not spoiled! From `picture the past' This view shows the rock gardens and lily pond taken from the memorial and looking west. University Park and the Trent building can be seen to the left of the smoking chimn
  8. Ahhh.... memories! At school nearby, I remember the Memorial Gardens were ALWAYS in pristine condition. Lawns beautifully manicured,area clean and swept. .Fine trees and plants. No rubbish under the multiple archways.. paint not hanging off the woodwork. It was a favourite meeting place at lunnchtime and after school for young romance to blossom ! I visited there in 2005 with some school chums,and I could not believe what had happened to this proud memorial to those who had given their all for the City and Country. I remember one year in particular when the ponds were frozen when the skat
  9. Just setting off on the 1st leg(3000 km) of a round Australia rail journey( Adelaide to Darwin via Alice springs). Fly to Cairns then train to Brisbane,Sydney,Bowral(to visit mate from school(late Radford!),Melbourne,Adelaide,Perth.(have not calculated total distance yet). Had a little practice trip a month ago(Bangkok to Singapore via Penang). Train is a fantastic way to see the world! Next year for my 70th(!) my whole family(4 kids and partners)+ SHMBO,are traveling by train from Singapore to London.(the only bit that is now closed is the Cambodian leg ...will have to cover it by coach
  10. D`you know anyone on or previously on Sefton Ave, Cooljoolz?--and welcome from down under!
  11. Its not over til the fat lady sings,Beefy.Take out Trott`s big 100 and the good effort by the English bowlers with the bat,and the batsmen were not very impressive. Don`t forget the English summer weather.
  12. I can remember much further back than that.In my year only 2 students out of the whole year received `A" in their A levels,I think in 2 subjects with the 3rd being at a lesser grade.They both went on to become full professors,one at Edinburgh,the other in London and Japan.One had a state scholarship and a `Demi' to Oxford .To obtain 3 A levels one had to be quite exceptional. Maybe 10 out of the origional 120 who commenced after the 11+ obtained reasonable grades and went on to university.These results were from the brightest students in Nottingham. i.e they went on to get `proper' jobs,whic
  13. Whilst on the subject you may also find this interesting. Six students fighting for every university place UCAS said 135,114 students are already eligible for clearing - but only 22,000 places are available
  14. Its obviously OK for you and Ashley to knock people with ability who at least try to improve themselves?
  15. Interesting account of one of his acts of courage: On May 15 1956 he was conducting engine development trials on the Avon engine when he experienced a major malfunction that left him well within his rights to eject from the aircraft. He elected to remain at the controls, however, and performed an emergency landing back at Hucknall. <H4 class=header> </H4>By saving his aircraft he enabled the engineers to identify the fault and design an engine modification. It was an act of courage which, he commented philosophically in later years, had probably enhanced his pension by only a f
  16. Another famous Nottingham pilot. Rex Shilton Rex Shilton, who has died aged 83, amassed close to 25,000 hours' flying in a career that began as an RAF apprentice and progressed to the rarefied atmosphere of airline boardrooms. During three years with Rolls-Royce he flew 22 different aircraft types, including the Lancastrian, Spitfire, Canberra, Hunter and the engine test rig called the Thrust Measuring Rig (TMR) – better known as "The Flying Bedstead" – which was used to develop the vertical thrust technology to power the Harrier. Rex Shilton was born on June 10 1926 at Nottingham and e
  17. On the left of your post! As I note your location is Bramcote,is the pub also nearby?
  18. What a pity,just missed his 90th year by a handfull of days. Apparently also an accomplished organist and painter.
  19. Now come on Beefy, apparently only I am allowed to do that! Jonesy,if your boy has the burning ambition to fly,and receive the finesr training available to fly give him every help. However the standards are way off the scale for fitness,IQ leadership,EQ etc. It is a fine career if he can stand the pace.
  20. My wife and I enjoyed the film . A bit s..l..o..w though. A pity that the major battle scene was cut,-it needed it. All in all -reasonable,worth a viewing.
  21. Stan


    Sven Goran Eriksson: Degerfors to Notts County via Lazio, Benfica and England Should Sven Goran Eriksson become director of football at League Two Notts County it will be the latest, unlikely, twist on a long and winding career path that has taken in Benfica, Lazio, Sampdoria, Manchester City and England.
  22. Amazing! I was on the way to see the Harry Potter film,when I passed a shop selling bulbs of `Tigridia pavonia (Jockeys Cap, Tiger Flower' )in the window! Just arrived home to post the result to find I have been beaten to the post by Jockey`s Cap.
  23. Similar character to Keith Miller.Would have liked to have seen them together!