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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. Met Office issue yellow warning as snow begins to fall in Hull and the East Riding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAZpj6dHToQ
  2. My wife asked me what I would do about the "begging letters" if we won the lottery. I said keep sending them.
  3. Queens Walk,Wilford toll bridge & Clifton colliery are all there though.
  4. Introduced in 1947 Each value of ticket was a different colour 1d yellow ? 2d Green ? as far as I can remember
  5. P.S. I have some maps of the Meadows Area dated 1880 where the houses/streets are yet to be built.
  6. The second from slightly earlier: London Road it was one of the favourite promenades of the good folk of Nottingham. And even more difficult is it to understand that it was said that amongst travellers by stage coaches that the mile that separated Trent Bridge from Nottingham was the most beautiful mile near any town in Great Britain. But it must have been beautiful. The road crossed a lovely open space, the common lands of the town which in spring were carpeted with the etherial blue of the crocus . David, Until the enclosure act of 1844 the route into Nottingham via the "flood R
  7. It was all due to the Corporation refusing to enclose some of the "common land" surrounding the town till 1844.
  8. I have large scale maps of most of Carlton/Gedling area, dates Early 1950s to late 1960s House numbers, Public Houses & other features are all included on the maps. But I don't have Gedling School.
  9. I often use "City Transport"(South Notts) to get into Town & find the half hourly service very good. And free to me as I have a bus pass
  10. Thanks Cliff Ton I couldn't find a picture my self.
  11. Not NCT More like Trent NCT machines had five push down leavers on the front
  12. Celia drive was built around 1958/9 by a builder called Mills My Grandparents(fathers side) lived there from around 1959(watched the 1969 cup final there) The houses further down were cottages, talking to my mother(83) the surrounding land was at one time a farm
  13. The 60s Houses(built 1958-59) are on Celia Drive Numbers 2-16 the odd numbers being Bungalows numbers 1,3 & 5 (backing on to Carlton Hill) The land that the houses that Celia Drive were built on was at one time farm land & the were some cottages to the rear of the land they were sill there in 1966 but I don,t know if they are still there. They land was owned by someone called "Mills" My Grandparents lived at No1 Celia Drive from 1959(watched the 1959 cup final there)till about 1967. Main street ran east from P.O. square & became Burton Road sometime in the 1950s all my maps of
  14. Incidently on both those certificates my Grandfather , who died way before I was born , was shown as being a Cinematograph Operator . Would have loved to have known where he worked . Could have been the pictures on Station Road The cinemas of Carlton have been discussed in an earlier thread.
  15. I think Carlton Road becomes Carlton Hill at the city boundary. Carlton Hill is numbered from Post Office Square Fearns being number 170. Number 342 Carlton Hill is between Cornhill Road & Mayfield Road. The last house on Carlton Hill is Number 426.(sill in Carlton)the next house is 691 Carlton Road inside the city boundary. Maps SK5941SW&SE & SK6041SW&SE Scale 50.688 inches to the mile.
  16. There is a Worth Street that runs between Foxhill Road(east) & Cemetery Road I have a Map(in a book) dated 1914 & there is no Worth's Yard shown. There are though some buildings that front onto Foxhill Road that run at the back of Worth Street
  17. A pound a week that was a small fortune you could get more than ten pints of bitter for that or more than 100 fags. I didn't smoke or drink at that time I started drinking & smoking in 1966 a pint of bitter was 1/10d 20 park drive 3/6d
  18. My mother worked at uncle Doug's shop for a few years up to 1964 when my sister was born Uncle Doug was my Mother's brother in law.
  19. Uncle Doug started "business" by selling firewood(in bundles @ 6d) & timber & lived on Carlton hill till about the mid 60s He then built a bungalow on Cavendish Avenue. I don't know when the shop on Westdale Lane opened but it was before I left junior school in 1960. For the last 20 years or so his life of uncle Doug lived in Rolleston
  20. As the Jaybirds became TYA with a change of drummer Ric Lee(no relation) I think it must have been some other group that was your worst? The Jaybirds used to practice(sometimes) in a house on Rufford Avenue which ran off the top of Welbeck Avenue.
  21. I went to Mable Thorpe (nice lass ) to see grandad when he moved there in 1966.(retirement) It was in December Mablethorpe was Closed
  22. Was this system called ROLF Remotely Operated Longwall Face?
  23. It's 29 years ago this week since the miners strike started.