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Everything posted by Compo

  1. Because Compo is a blithering idiot - that's why!
  2. Because I'm a blithering idiot, Red
  3. Some songs just stick in your mind forever. Take the following example for instance; I will not say who it is by but if you was a teen in the 60s you will probably not be able to read through the lyrics without singing it, either in your head or even out loud: The purpose of a man is to love a woman And the purpose of a woman is to love a man So come on, baby Let's start today Come on, baby Let's play The game of love, love La, la, la, la, la love It started long ago in the Garden of Eden When Adam said to Eve Baby, you're for me So come on, baby
  4. That track is closed to the public but I dropped a couple of names and told the estate factor (Manager) that I had worked for SAC (A vet services disease surveillance company that the estate uses). It got me access and a key to the main gate. It really IS peaceful - saw not a soul all day.
  5. Went to 'Spoons in Wick on the way home. Had a meal and a pint of IPA.
  6. A wild and lonely place. Morven and Small Mount with the ruins of "Wag" in the centre of the photo. Taken last Friday afternoon some 7 miles from the nearest road: Morven seen though the window of Wag: Aultibea - a derelict farmhouse on the moors:
  7. This past month has seen wonderful weather here in Caithness. I can honestly say that it has been the bast five weeks since I arrived here in 1993. Clear blue skies punctuated by temperatures in the mid-20s has made for a lovely period of gardening weather. This morning I was cleaning out the pond filter when I noticed damselflies skitting about the pond. I didn't catch any actually laying eggs, although I have seen them laying when my camera weas not to hand. The large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
  8. Where do you teach, lass - and please don't say "at a school"
  9. ARGH! Me cider's turned to acetone! Don't know what has gone werong with my cider this year but every bottle tastes and smells of acetone. Any ideas, anyone?
  10. Spotted this Pine weevil in the garden on Saturday afternoon:
  11. Front of house this weekend: Pond - now self-sufficient and containing many native species of plant and animal life: Chiean daisy bush in flower (Chiliotrichum diffusum):
  12. Wish I cold grow Himalayan poppies here, Fly. Tried a couple of times but without success. Ayagorra photo for us to see?
  13. They do eactly the ssame here, Oz - bloody nusisance but worth it to have them singing in spring.
  14. I remember the Rag Mag very well - it was always full of old, worn-out jokes! It could be quite radical though; having articles about social injustice and the Students' Union fighting for just causes. I imagine these days it would be more about fighting for counselling rights for stressed, overworked and hard-done-by students though....or am I being too cynical?
  15. This past month has seen wonderful weather here in Caithness. I can honestly say that it has been the best five weeks since I arrived here in 1993. Clear blue skies punctuated by temperatures in the mid-20s has made for a lovely period of gardening weather. This morning I was cleaning out the pond filter when I noticed damselflies skitting about the pond. I didn't catch any actually laying eggs, although I have seen them laying when my camera was not to hand. Took these photos whislt the sun shone The Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula): Ma
  16. It's a Valor Minor. Problem is that there are some bits missing. They could be lying around the hiouse somewhere so if I get back this summer I shall take a look for the missing parts. It is not all that old - still being made in teh 1960s. In good nick worth about £35-40ish.
  17. I'd love to get my hands on one of those shop dummies - anyone got one for sale?
  18. I'm waiting for the local chandler's to do a special offer on paint, Brew. I live in Scotland, hence the condition of the boat!
  19. Standing almost five feet tall, this is my first annual poppy of the season [Perennial Welsh poppies have been in flower for a few weeks now]: This one is in the polytunnel: Here are a few more photos taken in the garden yesterday: And finally....Hawthorn in flower:
  20. What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time my garden was in full flood and the weather was freezing cold. This year we have had the hottest, driest May since I moved up here 25yrs ago and prtobably a record month. The garden is needing water every day and the greenhouse and tunnel are struggling to keep cool enough to avoid scorching the plants!
  21. Could be Geums, Brew. There are lots of different types of Geum. I planted some in my polytunnel border and they grew so vigorously that I have to transfer them outside. Geums grow very rapidly and have a rosette of leaves emanating from a central point. Flowers are usually carried on long spikes that stand vertically, except in wind. Leaves come in different shapes but basically they are like the photo in this link:
  22. Agreed, it is terrible stuff but here in Scotland there is are even worse brews: Tnnent's and McEwan's ales and lagers!