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Posts posted by LizzieM

  1. I visited my maternal grandparents down the Medders at least once a week and before I started school I'd go with Mum on the train from Netherfield to the Midland Station 2 or 3 times a week. They lived on Queens Grove, just down Queens Drive and only yards from the station. The front door was always locked and we had to walk down an entry and along the back of the houses, past the rows of outside toilets, down a couple of steps into the back yard and straight into the scullery when there was always something cooking, very often stew. I was the first grandchild and was given a lot of attention. Grandad would sit me on his knee and teach me to draw (he was quite an artist). One memory I have of being in that house was seeing my Granny coming up the cellar steps with a dead rat on a dustpan!! Grandad died when I was only 4 but that Granny lived a further 10 years, remaining in the house.

    My paternal grandparents lived on Devonshire Promenade in Lenton when I was very young. I didn't go there that often because my Grandad wasn't a very nice person and my memories of him are few. My Granny was really lovely and took us in their car to the seaside, he never went out of the house! That Grandad died the same year as the other one, 1954. Granny moved to May Avenue, Wollaton to live with her spinster sister, who herself was by then living alone since my Great-Grandad had also died in that year!! Not a good year for our family!

    I LOVED visiting Granny and Aunt Con. The house backed onto the cricket field and they had a stile into the field so me and my cousins had a lovely time playing on the field. Aunt Con was a great cook and I remember going to the Wollaton Village Fete on the cricket field and witnessing her winning first prizes for her cakes.

    I must admit that us kids did use to run riot in that house, playing hide and seek, hiding in wardrobes, under beds etc. we had some great parties there and I do occasionally drive down May Avenue to have a look at the house that I haven't stepped inside for 25 years, in those days there was a silver birch tree in the front garden but that is long gone.

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  2. On a different tack, there was a programme recently on Channel 5 where the wrecks off the invasion beaches were traced. May still be available on demand in the UK...

    Yes Rob, I watched that programme, it was really interesting and I learnt so much about the D Day landings that I'd never heard about before. Hope it's shown again sometime.

  3. Ummm ...... just re-read the above post made by me and I don't understand what I've written, haha. What I should have said is 'If you were writing on a slate then that must have been pre WW1'. I'd like to blame predictive text on my iPad and maybe too much wine last night!

    • Upvote 6
  4. Do you remember when the Hollies were on at the Sherwood Rooms and the lead singer Alan Clark (?) was drunk on stage? There was another time when the Righteous Brothers were supposed to be on and they didn't turn up and the Walker Brothers were on instead, we'd never heard of them but they were brilliant.

  5. I'm sure I saw Martha and the Vandellas there. Another week before I see Rod for the umpteenth time (yes I know a lot of you have not been keen on him since 60s/70s but you can't deter me from paying loadsa money to see the lad). Beginning to panic though, tickets haven't arrived yet!

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  6. I recall my first day of writing in ink. I had been saving my pennies and had bought a small fountain pen. I filled it for the first time from the ink well in the desk and the bladdy thing leaked all over my hands. :/

    Bet it was an Osmeroid fountain pen! I'd never thought of that name since I was at school, your comment brought it straight back to the front of my memory bank!

  7. We took our dog and his cousin :unsure: to Wollaton Park for a walk around the lake this evening. There are signs up around the park that if your dog is seen to be worrying the deer (who are/were calving) then the dog will be shot.

    What's going on there this weekend anyway? There's a massive stage set up, beer tents, rows of loos, fairground rides........... all we could see is notices of a sponsored walk for Diabetes on Sunday. The trucks have made a right old mess of the grassed areas too.