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Posts posted by LizzieM

  1. But the majority, if not all of the well known local public figures of recent years, were educated at Nottingham High and Nottingham Girls High.

    We were lucky enough to be able to afford to send our two sons to a public school (as day boys I hasten to add) but the education they received at great expense to us was the same as I got free at a Notts grammar school in the 60's. I feel very privileged to have had a grammar school education, because after all it was only down to one exam at the age of 11 that got me there. Maybe if I had not passed that exam I would have a different opinion on the comprehensive system that was introduced in the early 70's, but in my opinion that was the worst thing that any government of this country ever did for education. Even now my boys are in their 30's I still study the school league tables when they are published each year. The state schools consistently at the top of the pile are the grammar schools that remain in Buckinghamshire, but yes they are selective and cream off the best at age 11.

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  2. But in those days each school had THEIR own uniform, now the children are kitted out in white shirts, grey trousers/skirts and various colour sweatshirts to suit the school dress code, which can be purchased in all the supermarkets as well as the department stores. I was proud of my school uniform and because we didn't have much money I suppose, I even have a photo of me on holiday in Filey wearing my school blazer! Sad or what?!!!! I remember having to go to Sisson & Parker to choose a book as a school prize and also Redmayne & Todd to buy some running spikes. My goodness I was proud of them too!

  3. Wish the 'westerly winds' would bring some warmth over to the UK. And on the subject on Green Cards, how come Asians and Eastern Europeans can get into the USA and the UK without too much hassle. The US Immigration is an absolute nightmare....... when we arrive into Miami, which is a few times a year, it can take anything up to 90 minutes to get through, even though we now have to pay for an ESTA which is only valid for 2 years. We have a car in Miami and the insurance has been costing double what we would pay in the UK but were told that if we had a Florida driving licence it would be substantially less. So my husband booked a driving test and passed, no problem. He then went to pay $48 for his driving licence and discovered it was only valid for 90 days because he only has an ESTA, so allowing him to remain in the USA for 90 days in one stretch. So, do the sums, that's $196 a year for a driving licence on top of the insurance. Was it really worth the hassle of taking the driving test (and going through the stress of a written test as well ....... something us oldies never had to do before!). Sorry I've veered off the thread somewhat but rant over!

  4. That brings back memories of my Dad going round the local rose nurseries around Notts, pinching rose cuttings for the 'buds'. He seemed to have no fear doing this except at Wheatcrofts, where he reckoned Harry would sit in his house up the hill with his binoculars, watching for thieves like my Dad. Our garden was dedicated to rose growing in the 50's and 60's and I would help him with the pruning, then sadly he lost interest and lawn took over.

  5. Yes Compo, my memory isn't so bad after all. Do you mean benches on the 'V' where to two roads met? I don't really, but in the late 50's and early 60's I went swimming every day at the old Arnold Baths and straight from there I would go to a little bakers round the corner on Front Street and buy a hot cob, no butter though! If indeed there were seats in that area I expect I would have sat on them but really can't remember.