mr bump

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About mr bump

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    gedling nottingham

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  1. Brilliant pics, id love to see the bridge pics if there are any. I can vaguely remember going over it in my dads car early 70's? I was born 1970. When did it become a road?
  2. Hi all, merry christmas to all on the forum, I hope its been a good one. whilst travelling along the loop road in colwick to my unit, the old kemp works, im facinated by the old road and the old bridge ramps either side. I know the loop road was a train line before a road, but has anyone got any pics before it was a road? And what route did the original take? I can see the old station platform but where did it go after that?
  3. Hi all, now rushcliffe borough council are building new offices incorporated with rushcliffe leisure centre, goodness knows what will become of the building, so is there any photos on the forum of the civic centre when it was an hotel?
  4. Hi all, can any forum member point me to any threads about old car dealerships in nottingham? If like me your a fan of old 70's 80's and early 90's cars (plus I restore them aswell), its awfull to see the old sites of the dealerships either over grown, demolished or being used for somthing else. If there isent such a thread, would forum members be interested in one? I dont mind doing it with vital input from anyone who possibly worked at one. before being closed.
  5. And when we were all in the front room wi big lie'ton cus me mamun dad wer reedin the post. If me and my brothers got a bit loud, dad used to say " de'yeer yor two, shurrup orrile gier summut to shairt abairt" there was no ester rantzon in those days (hahaha) so we did as he so gracefully requested. I do miss the owd man as my brothers and me used to call him, he was propper trent bridge school!
  6. The white horse bottom of farraday road was called bobbo! The white hart in bramcote was set on the near top of a hill and was always called top house, the railway inn in nevvo was known as jackie bells........ which im sure was the very old landlords name but still was called jackie bells by the locals inc me when ah wer nokina burdoff dainon manvers street. Bleddy luvlea sh'wur unall!
  7. When me and me dad were delivering fishing bait around the country and it got to lunch time, the owd man used to say " ar we ayin any nosebag"? Or " am ready for me snap duck. Am bleedin ank"!and when we were unsure about owt. Dad used to reassure us all with his very believable "be reet duck"
  8. One my wife uses when my daughters ask where I am?....hes in his garage pottering! Whats pottering?
  9. Thank you for the kind welcome messages, looking forward to being part of the forum.
  10. A'up orlon ya! Arrzit gewin? Yorl orrite?...... being born and bred in nottingham ive lived here all my life and wouldnt wish to live anywhere else than under ah robins gret big bow duck! Im joe barlow, born in the owd peel st ospitul, then wurat dunkirk, then medders then moved over to whest bhridgfourrrd, bredun lard I'lund duck, fur snobby sods! Im a keen classic car fan and restorer but my passion is fishing! What else could I do with having nottinghams famous fishing son and cliftons own frank barlow as my dad and europes best river flowing through my home city. im keen on owd notts an