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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. Noticed sumat at the blood place: The prettier the nurse who sticks the needle in you the more they hurt, is it because they know we're thinking "phwoar"? Example: Last time I donated a big fat bloke did me & I didn't feel a thing, yet when a pretty girl does me I always feel it going in. Do girls know when we're checking them out?

    Funny that colly' went for a blood test this morrning at Riverside centre Bulwell,big butch lady (very nice though) administered to me,tried one arm hurt like hell and told me 'you gonna be a problem' veins too small,roll your other sleeve up ! this time did'nt feel a thing.

    I then asked for me Tea and a biscuit,she told me 'no chance' just go now,and i was just starting to like her as well.

    you just don't know where you are do you with some of these women do you.

  2. 50 yrs ago bumped into Judy Dench' literaly, they were constucting Maid Marian way,i was running for a bus and jumped over a barrier on mm way knocking her over,...........i helped her up and told her how sorry i was, she was'nt best pleased...neither was i ,............missed me bus!

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  3. When i was skint in the 80s and living in Basford i had a light bulb (old type) that would'nt go out,it was in the bathroom and the string broke on ON,It was on permantley for at least 5 years, also the sink and door were hanging off,but they were some of our happiest days,we still reminise and laugh about those halcyon days,.

  4. VG STORES where a national franchise with over 2000 shops,ABGibsons of Daybrook where the suppliers for the Midlands,Lincs and East Anglia.

    I Joined them in 1969 and my role was to persuade Mace,Spar and other independant retailers to join the VG set up, Nottingham was not as abundant in VG stores as the other places mentioned.A few i remember are beaumonts of Cotgrave,Walthams at East Bridgford,Johnsons on Carlton Hill.

    Gibsons sold out in the 80s to Laxons of Coventry who in turn sold out to some international set up .who wer,nt interested in the smaller business and the concept of Voluntary Groups.

  5. Another brand name just came to mind.


    The first time I saw this chain was a small village store in Hampshire Circa 1961.

    I believe it was an effort by local shops to buy in bulk to compete with the growing supermarket chains.

    I have been trying to think of their food brand 'NISA' comes to mind?

    They were a national concern AFAIK.

    Do they still exist?

    Does anyone remember them?