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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. 1ST Wedding............60s............Posh (ish)...........Lots of guests.............duration............1 year

    2ND " .............70s............not posh..............Less guests................ " .............10 years

    3RD " .............80s.....very unposh...............4 guests ................ " .............30 years and counting

    Theres a moral there somewhere...............Gawd knows how long the next one will last :) ....

    • Upvote 2
  2. Thanks BF, I see your points,but we are all different in our needs,me and the Wife are very close,but we also like our own space,as well as Hols together we also take hols apart,i love going off by myself a couple of times a year and she does the same,it works for us.

    Anyway good job did'nt get rid of my suits,shoes,shirts and ties. :)

    • Upvote 1
  3. Retired last year at 68 after being a workaholic for 53 years,got diagnosed with a nasty illness just after,was really peed off and depressed,however now on top of my illness and the depression that went with it,thanks in no small part to my large extended family,and joining this forum has been a great help and i thank you all for that.

    I Have many interests and have tried to keep busy,but nothing has replaced my thirst for the work i used to do,anyway cut a long story short,today i have been offered a position doing what i love (accepted) when i like and where i like and as much or little as i like,how good is that!

    my wife Donna is as pleased as me,not be under her feet as much,anyhow thought i 'd share my happy day with you all,as i consider you my friends.

    • Upvote 12
  4. My first car was a big maroon coloured Vauxhall Wyvern. It had one long seat in the front as well as the back. It was really spacious and a great car to drive.

    Had a Ford Zehphur a bit like that Michael, just for the 'Summer' of 64',convertable,music of Fabian andd Rick Nelson booming out,i thought i was 'Cats Whisker' back then, was much later,when i realised i was Paul Anka........... :biggrin:

    • Upvote 1
  5. I ENJOY Garden centres,of which we have many around Notts, when i was travelling around the country i always popped in them,because they usually have nice Coffee shops,however for the last 5 or 6 years i very seldom make a purchase in any, (apart from coffee and a snack) because they are too expensive.

    you get some real bargains in Morrisons,i love Roses and had about 30 at my previous house all bought from Morrisons at 3 or 4 pounds each.Went to Trowell Garden centre this morning but bought nowt same type of Roses min.price £10,so i 'll be back to Morrisons for my new garden.

  6. I had an old 50s something or other 'Austin' with the 'sticky out indicators,went out ok,but the bleddy things would'nt go back in,so had to put my arm out and do it manually,which was alright on the drivers side,but it did'nt impress your date,when you asked her to do the same on her side,LOL.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Liked Leicester in the 60s,often went there on train for night out,missed last one back once and me and a mate decided to hitch-hike up the A46,Police car pulled up just outside Leicester copper asked us where you been? where you going? we told him,'hop in lads' he said give you a lift to the border.

    Imagine that today!