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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. Must admit David,there are some nice places close to MK, Woburn and Bletchley etc, and the people of MK are real mix from everywhere,lots of Londoners and immigrants,sadly its suffered from some Somalian gang -in -fighting of recent times,but i do agree the shopping is good,in a modern sort of way.

  2. Northampton for some reason had a large Eastern European influx in the late 90s,and we were constantly being asked by the Coop to go there to combat the rise in organised, 'Shoplifting',by mainly Rumanians gangs of up to 20 people.

    Felt sorry for the Staff in those shops who were constantly being threatend, thats probably the reason 'Northampton' is on my 'crap town list.

  3. Thats funny Benjamin , you've just dissed our mid summer break ! !

    Staying near Kettering for a few days , (cat-sitting !) . Visited Corby town-centre yesterday (not quite as bad as I was told ) . Only hassled by a druggy once !

    Today went to Northampton town-centre . Felt a bit intimidating at first (us being country bumpkins for the last 30 years ). Amazed by the number of Eastern European accents there....but to be fair they were dressed smarter than the locals !

    Tomorrow to complete your crap town itinerary we ought to visit Milton Keynes but has to be Grantham instead (visiting relos)

    Sorry David,but please don't go to Milton Keynes awful place,oh i forgot Granthams not much better,LOL.

  4. I was sorting my book collection today,and found a little book i bought about 10 yrs ago called 'Crap towns'. Nottingham is listed as 8th worst place to live in the UK.

    Its all a bit Tongue in cheek' but interesting non the least, it mentions St.Anns and Alfreton rd and incidents of 'Gun crime .However it says nowt about the people of our city,who i reckon are generally very friendly unlike alot of places ive worked/vistited/lived.

    Places like Corby,Kettering,Northampton,Milton Keynes and for me the very worst Luton.I know its the 'luck of the draw' who you happen across when in different places,so perhaps again with a bit of 'tongue in cheek' whats been your worst place to visit/work or live ?