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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. Experienced a few highs of this thing called life,and some 'lows',its not about 'money' been 'flushed' been 'skint',its about the love of people who have 'come and gone'.

    Sometimes think its an achievement 'just to still be here' and lucky to be with family that care, others not so fortunate.

    • Upvote 3
  2. One of my ealiest memories was going to Rhyl when i was about 3, think we went every year until i was 12 or 13, caught the train at Midland station and seem to remember it stopping at Crewe,then seeing the mountains of North Wales,and towards the end of the journey the train ran along the coast,finally arriving in Rhyl........Once there i remember all the Barrow lads' vieing to take your luggage to the same 'Boarding house' on Wellington rd run by a mrs Saville,it was like another world back then in the 50s.

    Sadly the Rhyl of today is not anything like those far off halcyon days.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I HAVE always found it very very funny when a REALLY POSH' person swears, I had a Boss many years ago who was beside himself with Rage at some 'COCK-UP' I had made,but the more he raved at me the funnier i found it.He calmed down eventually and i explained why i found it so funny,

    He informed me i was a F.....G CRETIN, Then started laughing himself..

    • Upvote 4
  4. I grew up on a council estate in the 50s and if we heard bad language from anyone they were considered real common,certainly it was'nt used by my parents except in very rare heated arguments.Dad was a 'railwayman' and i am sure at work he could hold his own.

    In his last few years he came to live with us and it was a very busy house with teenage children and at times i must admit some choice swearing took place.he had been with us about a fortnight when he Summoned me into the 'parlour' which was his room,and informed me that too much swearing went on in the house,i apologised and told him i'll have a word with everyone.

    This i did and the teenagers curbed it for while,but a month or so later they had lapsed,and Dad gave up,and the 'funny thing was DAD JOINED IN,to much hilarity from all concerned, God bless him.

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  5. *acking hell Firbeck'........LOL,...ive spent years in East and South London in fact had an office in Mitchum (surrey) and i tend to lump the Essex accent with those areas as well, i worked with some amazing 'Geezers' who swore all the time,and being the way i am had brilliant banter with em,and i did find em funny.

    I appreciate what you say about some of the unsavoury types,we get them everywhere don't we.

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  6. Don't get me wrong i can 'swear' with the rest of em' but i think theres a time and place for it, i worked all over the country and obviuosly heard folk swearing everywhere,however not as much as Nottingham,which i reckon must be the swearing capital of England. Am i alone in this ?

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