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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. Might try that BF, Thought we had agood clearout 2 weeks prior, for instance,..always liked me clothes,but when you retire what do you do with 5 suits,45 shirts,40 ties,15 pairs of trousers/jeans to say nowt of 14 pairs of shoes,...........Dilema innit,...............the WIFE? i hear you ask ladies?

    Very frugal with her clothes she has me and wants for very little else!........... :laugh:

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  2. At the risk of boring everyone to tears, the 25 and 25A were once a circular route. It started from Huntingdon Street, with the 25 going by Carlton Road, Burton Road, Gedling Road and Westdale Lane. The "terminus" - if a circular route can have a terminus - was the junction of Westdale Lane and Plains Road. It returned via Breck Hill Road, Thackerays Lane, Mansfield Road and Huntingdon Street. In the opposite direction it was a 25A. So basically the 25 went anti-clockwise round the circle, and the 25A clockwise. Later (and for many years) the Mansfield Road section was dropped, and the terminus became the junction of Thackerays Lane and Knighton Road, being route 25 in both directions. It's one of the few routes that remain recognisably similar up to the present day. The only others I can think of are the 17 and 53.

    yes you managed it Stephen,that was totally boring :biggrin:

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  3. Got the removal blokes in,but you know how it is you just muck in,then when they've gone you still have crap all over the option,thought moving to a bigger house it would be a peace of cake',no way still got a garage full i don't know where its going..........Yes bilbraborn' i am cream crackered'

  4. Used to go to the Coop youth club (now coop arts centre) Broad st?,when i was 15 with my mate Keith Attenborough,and we 'plucked up' the courage to venture into the 'Old Angel' around the corner, in my deepest voice ordered '2 PINTS OF MILD PLEASE' and a voice behind me said 'get me one Benjamin' it was a Teacher from school,we just scarpered.

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  5. There was large scale immigration way before that too. Throughout Latin America dark skin is a characteristic more common amongst the poor. European heritage tends to be prized and is more prevalant among the middle and upper classes so the comment about officers and men is accurate. Latin America was my field of study at uni.

    YOU can help me then DJB,I read somewhere that there is a Welsh speaking settlement high up in the Andes,?

  6. I HAD one of those 'loppylugs' cost about the same,always had to 'crank' start it, used a 'dolly peg' to keep the 'choke' open and had 'bike lamps' tied to the back bumper,finally took it to the 'scapyard' on Park lane Basford got a fiver for it...the final humiliation with it was when i was taking a girlfriend to skeggy and a chap on a bike passed me going up the 'hill' in Lincoln.

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