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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. When dating on canned food started (70s i think) many companys sprang to life in the re-labelling business,they removed the dates and put their own labels on the product, i personally know 2 people who became very very wealthy using this practice.

  2. For some reason people like the 'Krays' seem to keep the tradition going,

    ANYWAY Mary as the 1st post ive read today,Thanks' thats cheered me right up............ :)

    • Upvote 1
  3. Nottingham is supposed to have the best tasting tap water in the UK, but Bristol also claims theirs is best, perhaps they can be joint best. I never waste money on bottled water, I guzzle it straight from the tap..

    My CAT does that

  4. That's probably why it was falling to pieces. When it rained I had to stuff something in the footwell because the spray squirted into the passenger seat and soaked everything. Obviously before MOTs were ever heard of.

    I think we part chopped it for a Vauxhall Viva. Classy or what?!

    THE 'VIVA' WAS'NT A RED ONE WAS IT ? :biggrin:

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  5. AT the risk of boring you 'vintageann' i have funny story about that van, within a few days of buying it i took my then girlfriend 'Katrina' for a spin up the Oxton by- pass,and decided to see how fast it would go (being 19 and stupid) anyway at about 60 mph it shook that much i had to pull over,and when i turned to Katrina tears were streaming down her face,just like 'nervous Nerys' in 'only fools and horses'... :biggrin:

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