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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. MENTION of the Beechdale pub,brought back alot of memories of blokes i worked with at Frank Farrands Wigman rd on the island you spoke off,we used to meet at the 'Beechdale' on friday nights to get our instructions of where to work for the weekend,that would be early to mid 60s.

    I was involved in their 'security' it was'nt our Cider was it ? :)

  2. You get sent off today for a good hard tackle' or a tackle from behind,you can't even give the 'goalie' a bit of shoulder,and have you noticed theres no such thing as a 'foul throw' anymore,........tut tut its a different game today,...........defensive wall? why bother they all stand with their 'handbags' covering their 'privates' and still turn their backs when the ball is struck............tut tut,...........come back chopper Harris,bite your legs Hunter,and short sighted Nobby'

  3. Its not a bad film,i was only interested because its locations,especially BuIwell. I actually went to the quiet corner of Bulwell where some it was filmed, this morning and found it had hardly changed,the steps down to Station rd and rectory house (now Church house) and with it being 42 yrs ago i thought was quiet remarkable......I Think the Nottingham accent is a hard one to do for non locals.

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