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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. I DONT KNOW about same pitch more than likely same team,bloke from Redmaynes ran Corinthians think his name was Bostock,this would be 60 and 61,the only others i remember were stephenson whos family had hardware stores in Bulwell and my cousin Barry Hopkins who had trials for Forest

  2. my big pet hate is Rudeness,whilst i think Nottingham folk are among the friendliest in the country we do have our share of the other type.I Was brought up in the retail trade and being polite was a prerequisit (spelling/?) so it is second nature to me.

    Sir,miss and madam was the only form of address allowed,now its mate,darling and bloody babe.I Cycle most mornings and generally see the same people,dog walkers,joggers,other cyclist etc,while most give you a friendly "good morning" some just blank you,even after "a good morning" from you,which i persist with a second one.Now they are talking about teachers being addressed by their 1st names,this will undermine respect,i am sure,

    So just cheer someone up with a cheery hello and a smile,costs nowt!

    • Upvote 7
  3. QUITE possible Den,i played against all them teams you mentioned including Forest colts,i played for Notts Corinthians on the Embankment,left Padstow school in 1960 so i guess we the same age,also must have played you at Manvers.

  4. Had similar problem last week lizzie,we had a swarm in the front garden but these were "honey bees" .A BEE keeper came out from Papplewick (free of charge) but could"nt get at the Queen bee" so didnt take them,told us there was in the region of 20,000,and would probably go off on their own accord,which they did after 2 days.

  5. I just want to apologise to anyone who is getting multiple profile views from me. I am getting used to my new laptop and every time I stop typing, I seem to end up with my curser resting on a profile. For some reason one person is getting viewed by me quite a lot. Be patient with me! I promise I am not a stalker!....Well..... :ninja::ninja:

    TUT and heres me thinking someone was interested !

    • Upvote 2