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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. Paul, # 39

    So she can make Yorkshire Pudding then, being a southerner ?

    My husband is a southerner and he'd never had 'good' yorkshires til he met me! He always thought they should look like cup cakes as that's how his mother's turned out.

    no chance lizzie,Mary Bakers frozen only"

  2. Should we keep sunday special then? although the sundays we"ve talked about are largely a thing of the past,we do maintain a semblence of by-gone days.IE shorter retail trading hours and sunday times on public transport plus some family togetherness.I don"t ask on any religeous grounds,although i think Chistianity gave us a way to live,and it can"t be wrong to love thy neighbour and generally accept the ten commandments.

    So what do you think? back the way it was?leave it as it is? or just let Sundays be like any other day?

    • Upvote 1
  3. Here's a bit of useless information for you about St Georges day.

    It is the day that you should pick dandelions at noon if you are going to make dandelion wine. Apparently this is the time when they are at their best for brewing :cheers:

    i remember my DAD putting Dandelion leaves on cheese sandwiches

    • Upvote 1
  4. Being Easter Sunday" got me to remembering how Sundays used to be,most shops were closed,the sound of church bells,sunday school,visiting relatives (wearing best clothes) bath night,roast beef,families watching "sunday night at the Palladium" together,and generally families being together,pubs closed at 10pm,

    A time to unwind and think about the week ahead,

    • Upvote 5