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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. Thank the Lord,Warnock turned the job down,how embarrassing to think Forest were even interested,

    Photo in the post today of him in a shop in Brinsley "probably buying fags"on his way to the interview,if thats the way he dresses for an interview i am even happier hes not next manager.NO TIE. :)

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  2. PuttingI my thoughts on immigration aside,i do admire the foreigners that come here and learn English,i went to a and didnt learn any foreign languages.,and over the years have tried to learn one or two without much success,but i found as long as you have a stab the host people give you respect for trying.

    Use of key words will mostly get you by,we should"nt be smug when foreigners make the effort,it cant be easy for em.i would love to be bi-lingual and most 2nd generation Asians are.

    Being on holiday in a different land is way differerent to living working there,then you must learn the language.

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