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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. i am and always have been a law abiding citizen,however as a young man i was arrested (wrongfully)for affray.I was exiting the Palais and a big fight was in progress on the steps outside,and a lad i knew was trying to get at the Bouncers weilding part of a metal road sign,i told him not to be daft and took it off him.

    Bad move,because the Police turned up at the same time,seeing me with the sign in my hands,i was disarmed and pinned to the wall then thrown in a van.Despite my protests of innocence,they were having none of cut a story short i was eventually de arrested.

    I dont blame the Police i must have looked like a right thug :biggrin:


  2. I believe the Police of today have a very difficult job,whereas years ago they were aloud to use a certain amount of discretion when dealing with petty offences,today they have to go by the book and i am sure are under pressure to produce statistics for their political masters.

    Then when the case gets to court its dismissed,WHAT A WASTE OF OUR MONEY.

  3. I See that some Caribbean countries are getting together to sue us for our part in the slave trade 200 years ago.!

    we will probably cough up its only a few billion,as we did with Kenya last year.

    we free and compensate members of the IRA,(SOME EVEN FINISH UP IN GOVERNMENT) Then we prosecute our own military.


    • Upvote 3
  4. IVE Found over the years that having a sense of humour can defuse some tense situations.some years ago i got into spat with a big ugly bloke in a pub in Peterboro,he was sat opposite me at the same table and was really angry with me (he had been using foul language and i asked him to refrain)

    In fact he was enraged,and i am sure was about to hit me,WHEN HIS TEETH SHOT OUT and landed in his pint,i cracked up laughing,and thankfully so did he. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    • Upvote 2
  5. Tightfisted sods who stand at the newspaper stalls in supermarkets, reading the papers, licking fingers and thumbs before turning a page then having the gall to offer you said paper when you try to get round them to get a 'clean copy', oh, and the lazy gits who use their trolley as a crutch, orming all over it.

    where in notts you originate Beachbum?aint heard ORMING for years :)

  6. Without a sense of humour i believe life must be alot harder,i was bought up with lots of laughter among my many Uncles and Aunts,humour is universal and differrent in many parts of the world.even in different parts of England,and nottingham has one of its own.ribbing and insults are still popular among most of us.

    I had a walk round my local fishing ponds where i am a member,yesterday,and was subjected to and gave much comedic abuse.micky taking,i loved it.

    most (not all)on Nottstalgia seem to have and enjoy this form of humour,is it just a Nottingham thing?

  7. I got my Hamfistedness from my Dad,he was completly US at owt to do with DIY,my mother was very houseproud and was always having new fitted carpets.

    one time she had a very thick one fitted and you couldnt open the door.Dad said he would plane the door bottom.

    he took the door off and went in the garden,after much banging planeing and even sawing,he returned triumphant with a shorter door,( and i mean shorter)he fixed it to the jar,obviously way to short,and as mother berated him,THE CAT WALKED IN UNDER IT. :laugh:

    • Upvote 2
  8. Like I said earlier, the fact that I am always skint taught me to have a go at most things. I will never tackle plastering. I can do all my own decorating but like everything else I improved with age. I designed some really good gardens at various places that I've lived but I find myself having less and less time.


  9. Not so simple Steve, electrons one way, current the other way, I'm sure scientists when stuck, just come out with pure BS. The current and electrons going opposite directions came about during the debate on does current flow from pos to neg or vice versa?

    I remember when I first started Tech, it was always pos to neg, then some bright physicist came up with NO!! it travels from neg to pos...Then the current and electron wars started.

    The "accepted theory" known as the "conventional" theory taught today, is, current flows from pos to neg. BUT, electrons flow from neg to pos......Thats a bit like saying, a river meanders north to south and into the open sea, but, when you sit on a raft on the river, you flow upstream against the flow....LOL

    AND MORE,WHEN WILL IT END :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

  10. You didn't know holes can travel through solids????? LOL I still marvel at theories myself.

    Space charge makes sence to me, electrons flowing from cathode to anode (or is it other way round, can never remember) & stick a grid between them , put a varying positive or negative charge on the grid & the output varies in step, simples.. :)

    Yes it's still standard taught theory about holes moving through solids..I never could accept that theory.

    I self studied vacuum tubes, as we still use them in the amateur service in RF amplifiers... I still cannot accept electrons going one way and current the other way, as is the so called accepted theory of thermionic emmission..

    Space charge sure, it's visable as a blue cloud around the cathode when current is blocked by the grid in tubes with three elements or more.

    please dont be offended chaps,but this has given me the biggest laugh since joining nosttalgia,its total bollocks to me,love it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    • Upvote 1
  11. I have always been handy maybe just because I enjoy it.

    Did metal work at Ellis they had a great craft room with brazing hearths, lathes pedestal drills etc. Dad was an engineer first engine rebuild was a Morris 1000 on his work bench would be about 12 or 13.

    6 years an appro with East Midlands Gas like many others you must do a bit of building work and joinery its part of the job.

    Use to make custom revolvers and pistols when I was in the firearms trade, before they were banned is this country.

    One of the few things that buggers me now are modern motor vehicles you don't seem able to do much at all with the engines unless you have a few grands worth of diagnostic kit.

    Dad was good at doing things, he worked on trepaners & then on the shot-firer section at Bestwood workshops. He bought me a mecano set one Christmas, thought it might make me more practical, I didn't follow the plans, I just made things up as I went along, he used to shout at me & say "you've got to learn to follow plans" but I never did.

    I'm OK with theory, I can understand how electrons & holes work in transistors, but get me to solder one on a circuit board & solder goes everywhere but where it's needed. You'd get dry joints on dry joints... :)

    #16,love your last line ,newbasfordlad,aand all i can say is, "TELL ME ABOUT IT" :biggrin:

    The days of suck, squeeze, bang, blow have long gone.