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Posts posted by benjamin1945

  1. You up very late taking photo Red was it cold.

    Just a thought - watching news report on sales all shoppers seem to be Chinese !!!!

    Funny you should say that Gem,been working all day today in a VERY VERY expensive clothes shop and saw individual customers paying over £1000 in cash for clothes,and many were Chinese. i also was VERY expensive.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Before the family invasion,thought i'd give my thanks to Mick and his team for this very addictive site,when i joined back in Feb. I was going thru a very low time.,having treatment for nasty illness and in the middle of selling house having just retired,however since joining my life has turned around,on top of illness and house move completed.,and back working doing what i enjoy.

    I have a great supportive family and consider the forum members an extension of that,most of all ilove the banter,on the occasions when some of the topics got a little fractious people like Michael calms things,like ive said before we all have different views and as long as we all respect that the forum will continue to thrive,so anyway friends enjoy this festive season love to you all.


    • Upvote 8
  3. Used to watch coronation st,you could catch up even if you had'nt seen it for a few weeks/months,........not now,takes a while to realise wether your watching Emmerdale,East enders or Corrie,and all such dislikeable characters,........just shows how much the countries regions have become the same,....or is it just me?

  4. but my parents (and grandmother) used to reckon old Narrow Marsh was the roughest of the lot.

    When the area was demolished the residents moved en masse to the newly-built Southglade Estate and that was rough as hell in the 1980s.

    In the pre and post-war era the corporation housing department did exercise a kind of apartheid. Aspley, for example, was for "respectable" types whereas neighbouring Broxtowe had a less salubrious reputation.

    Southglade est bamber,do you mean Bestwood est ? Southglade rd is on Bestwood est.