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Everything posted by Caz

  1. LOl I have too Bazza!! !bravo! what time do you usually sign in here Baz?
  2. Pretty cool hey? Sorry made a right botch of the photo
  3. This is a pic taken outside our house this arvo,how lovely is that?
  4. Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah!! you can have it then Rob B) I certainly ate at the Commodore, Prawn Cocktail,steak & chips or Gammon & Pineapple whichever you felt like on the night,Black Forest Gateau & an Irish coffee. Does anyone remember Valentine the happy waiter/Maitre d who used to work there?
  5. Would it be at the top of the Co-op on Parliament St Red?
  6. Is it a car park? looks more like a large bird cage. The Commodore looks really different,what's happened to the other side of the road,didn't there used to be a row of shops on that side? a hairdresser, Ewan Burns from memory? a newsagent,a bottle shop & something else which I can't remember now?
  7. Ha Ha ha.......... Honest i'm off wine a bit now too, gives me headache. I reckon Vodka is the go,nice clean taste & you can dilute it down with some lime & soda. Wish I was coming on your pub crawl with Cali & the rest,it will be a riot !jumping!
  8. Martini?? I hate it,makes me puke !sickly! It's not nearly sophisticated enough for me darling, I like something bitter,dry & sharp.............just like me !rotfl! Honestly Den the newcomers on here will think I'm a right juice head listening to you,I never have a drink until after 6.30 PM & never on Gym days which is 4/5 days a week,so doesn't give me much time to get plastered Love
  9. Does anyone remember the football rattles that were used when I was a kid, the wooden thingymajig that used to make the most god awful noise? I used to live just off Arkwright St, not far from Trent Bridge & I remember when Forest had a home game we weren't allowed out as there would be a constant flow of football supporters walking to & from the game & I remember the sound of the rattles. I wonder when they ceased to be used? I bet there are a few hidden away somewhere in grandma's cubby hole.Trouble is even if the kids of today find one they won't know what it is............sad h
  10. That's why most of you are on your own!!!
  11. Slow learners Elaine,very very slow !tony!
  12. I remember the Boat club but didn't go ,I always thought it was for older rockers[maybe you are older than me Rob?] my favourite haunt was The Palais & The Bali Hai with the revolving dance floor,& I think I went to the Sherwood rooms once or twice but i'm a bit vague about that,must have been the Lager & blacks I had consumed, eeurgh! how the hell we drank that I will never know.
  13. Welcome to this great forum,please post a photo of yourself & give us some info on who you are,where you live etc,& some memories of Nottm would be good too!
  14. Don't get too silly !tony!
  15. A little gay ?? if you get any happier we will have to call you Denny. Get out of the closet didn't yer mam tell you it's dark in there
  16. Nothing wrong with a bit of culture Bip,trouble is you men don't know what's good for you,all that romance begins to rub off & before long we are being treated like girlfriend's instead of waitresses!! happy gals happy boys
  17. Apparently it was next to the school on Haydn Rd.I will just check Bip's photos & see if it's on there. Nope it's not. I think the school is/was on the left hand side of the road coming up from the bottom not the sherwood end ?
  18. That site is definately a mans site so be warned girls.
  19. Really good to read about Calverton Robin,pics are good,haven't been myself but it looks ok.
  20. !tony! no but my partner has just come into the house at 8.45 pm having been up the mountain to Omeo to fix the Jukebox which spat the dummy today, & he tells me the local pub The Hilltop Hotel is full of cowboys.........surprise surprise!!! Have you been there Ayup? Welcome back John haven't seen you on here for a while,you've missed nothing
  21. Just read Indian actor & an icon to thousands of movie watchers is dead!! Raj Kumar aged 77 died of heart failure,& I for one am devastated. I love Indian food/culture/films & so on,only last night I sat & watched [& made my partner watch too] 3 hours of music/romance & intrigue in the form of a Bollywood movie, which was on our multi cultural TV channel SBS. I was totally taken away by it.All the promises made by some dewy eyed love god in his robes swearing undying love for his lover[who had a husband in the wings] was a joy. I have always had a soft spot for men
  22. Hey she's a married woman You will be wrung out like an old dish cloth by the time we get there !rotfl!
  23. Better start on the Berocca Den,these gals know how to party !jumping!
  24. Yeah I see it Robin. That's interesting. How far is Calverton from Nottingham city centre?