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Everything posted by Caz

  1. G'day Ilko Don't be put off by my rantings Oz is a great place to visit,the Sheila's & Bruce's would make you so welcome you wouldn't want to go home me duck.Once you have had a taste of our generous hospitality you will wonder why you ever went to Skeggy in the 1st place..............not that there's anything wrong with Skeggy of course I was wondering about this Aussie advert which we hear has caused much talk amongst the Brits for apparently not being acceptable to the dainty ears of Daphne & Divinia & such is a joke isn't it?? you must be B****Y joking
  2. Ok there you go Bip. Now, as we Aussies are sooo good at all sports,which in particular would you like to discuss mate? And...............I take exception that the Brits who emigrate can't wait to go back to Good ole Blighty....not! the people who can't wait to go back are whingeing miserable gits,who supposedly can't find work ...yeah right,don't like the heat...who cares? & can't live without the local pub,the sausages,& god knows what else,well I for one [& I am a pom don't forget]think we as a country are better off without them there.
  3. Nah we are normal in this neck of the woods Mick How was your holiday did you do plenty of sight seeing or was it just work?
  4. I think some one needs to do some editing or someone visiting this site for the first time may get very upset.
  5. Thats funny Mick & i'm sure made many a Kiwi salivate!!
  6. Some great nostalgic pics on there. There aren't many of the old pubs & clubs left now. I used to dance at the Bali Hai on a Saturday night,it was definately the place to be seen! god it was hot too ,so hot my make up used to melt & my eye liner would run [sounds like one of Hughs observations from a previous post] I always remember going back upstairs for a breath of fresh air [if you can call it that?] & my ears would be ringing from the music,god knows what the smoke did for my lungs. !faint!
  7. yeah too right Baz,also a good substitute For Fosters & VB!!!
  8. What hot things are they Den? don't think i've had those.Sound interesting though. The pubs are good too,I remember the Lincolnshire Poacher,is it still there? Last time we went in there they were selling different flavoured beers,Peach was different,can't remember the rest. Just adding this to my places to visit,so many places so little time. !cheers!
  9. Jeez Baz made me eyes water
  10. It's just Nostalgic for me to go there & have a Ruby,I love Lamb Korma,& the pickle tray,ye gods i'm almost salivating
  11. Throw the pads away Den, a catheter always works way better,& I find vaseline is good for the chafing
  12. Sounds like something Mae West would say?
  13. I love Indian food,and always make a beeline for Mansfield Rd when we visit Nottm.So imagine my delight when we got our own Indian restaurant run by a couple from Birminhgam,in our main st, & then to top it off just down the rd from where we live another Indian restaurant has opened & yes you guessed it!! one of the owners is Indian!! she even makes special bread to order, not Naan bread but something just as nice with potato in the middle & it soaks up the juices just nicely
  14. Caz

    How Come?

    Hi to you too Smileysal. It's 11.19 pm Eastern States time & it's hot!! Can't wait for some rain...........bring it on pleeze !tanning!
  15. Caz

    How Come?

    My post is bringing everyone out of the woodwork lol! !jumping!
  16. Hey don't knock it sounds good to me I love Lebanese food,especially the Vine rolls yummy,I know where Ill be heading on my visit to Nottm
  17. I saw a post on here some weeks ago regarding the fact that the Market Square in Nottingham is having a face lift,just wondered what is going to be put there in place of the fountains,garden beds etc? & are the toilets remaining? also whats happening on the site of the Trinity Square car park? My son is visiting Nottingham from Oz in a couple of weeks time ,boy is he in for a few surprises,he hasn't visited since 1998. Caz
  18. BUMP I think this deserves a bump as we have lots of new members & we have no idea what they look like,doesnt have to be a professional pic anything will do,just so we know who we are talking to
  19. There are 5 users accessing this site at the moment but only 1 person has actually logged in,COME ON IN & let's see ya. Stop hiding
  20. You swine!! I fell for that hook line & sinker flyswat
  21. Caz

    My Dad

    !jumping! Just spoke to my sis & apparently my dad was in the Forest reserves,mystery solved!?
  22. Caz

    My Dad

    Thanks for that Guys,it was just a passing thought,you know how it is when you are small,you hear things but they arent always neccessarily what they seem,I will try & get the photo when I visit my mum later in the year & see if we can solve the puzzle
  23. That's very good Tuts,looks just like him. He did indeed draw cartoons according to my better half,I remember him very well,though I wasn't taught by him.