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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Hope your Ice cream didnt melt whilst you were taking those pics Bip?
  2. Would he be English or French?
  3. Caz


    And i'm trying to picture the double back hand spring front flip back flip somersault in yer undies Red & honestly it's not doing much for me mate Congrats anyway
  4. Caz

    My Dad

    I don't think that's him? do Forest football club have a web site where I could do a check?
  5. Yeah we have a few of those too & some threepenny bits & sixpences,can I use them when we come back for our visit??
  6. A truer word was never uttered Rob
  7. bighug When you get as old as Dennis!! ha ha tee hee
  8. only one of them HASN'T been caught having sex in a car !bravo!
  9. Apart from D.H Lawrence & Eastwood what was the question?? I still think it looks like Coronation St meself...................I must remember not to drink on an empty stomach flyswat
  10. If you only had a few months to live what would you like to do??? something you have always thought about or wanted to achieve but never seemed to get round to doing??
  11. Shocking hey Mick? we have a friend 54 who is dying of the same thing,makes you want to do everything you only thought about...............mmmm a new thread me thinks??
  12. Looks like a house we used to live in except for the bottom window. Is it Coronation St?? Albert Tatlock............nah couldn't be
  13. Caz


    Thought I would let you know that Angel is having a hard time at the moment,won't go into details but I thought it might be nice if we wish her well,& hope things get better for her. good on ya Angel,keep smiling darls xxx
  14. poor fing they make you fat anyway,better that you missed it hungry
  15. Still havent asked my son the location & I spoke to him in Nottm last night flyswat if i had a brain I would be dangerous
  16. Maple Syrup & Banana yummo!!! Not just pancake day either , we have them often, usually for brekkie.
  17. Not sure if he's one & the same tuts but he did have a son Michael who was an MP in Nottingham. He would have been quite old when he was at TB so it possibly was him,he had a vile temper apparently & was very adept at slapping the kids if the need arose, an old fashioned master & it didnt harm them one bit
  18. I remember all of the aforementioned characters a bit before my time,but I do remember them.
  19. Mick, was just chatting to my partner & i think the english teacher was Mr Spungin?? he has a very good memory so Im sure he's correct? Mr Harrison was Tech drawing teacher in the new block.
  20. Caz

    My Dad

    My dad had something to do with Forest,im not sure exactly when but it was before 1955.I remember Tommy Lawtons name was mentioned a bit & somewhere in my mums posessions is a photo of my dad in Forest strip kicking a ball about on a snow covered pitch,maybe it was the reserves,don't know ? his name was Leslie Smith.I remember as a very small girl my dad applying the dubbin to his footy boots,& it had a funny smell & a bluish hue,& was very greasy.
  21. Miss Bailey was upstairs,little fat woman with cropped hair,she always made me wash off my eye shadow!! she was the Art teacher for the girls & Mrs Parfrement the cookery teacher,I used to love that cooking class it was such a skive & we always got to take home what we had cooked however bad it was. The boys used to jump us on the way home & nick our rock cakes out of our cookery baskets,I only made it home with a couple by the time they had finished.Can't recall who else was up there.
  22. Haaa little Orville,I loved him when he was on TV in the 80's,he could still be on,not sure? My youngest son who is now 25 had the little green duck & carried him around for years,I even brought him to Australia & he is still downstairs in a packing case,& will be for many years to come,I couldn't possibly get rid of him after all those years. I also have Barnaby the Bear,anyone remember him?? he was my eldest sons favourite soft toy.
  23. Actor,Singer,Entrepreneur??? Give us a clue please??