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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Ok then i'll tell you it's Graham Norton
  2. Anyone going to have another crack at this??
  3. Caz

    I'm off Cya

    Well I went on a cruise to New Caledonia & very nice it was too thanks Mick. But i'm back & just catching up on the posts. I trust you are all well & looking forward to Crimbo? Can't say i'm ready but my son is visiting from Nottm & as we haven't seen him for 2 years we are very excited. Sooo whats the goss then guys anything I need to know??
  4. Ok y'all I'm off on me hols tomorrow 14 days of sun sea & SAND hcnerf kaeps lla yeht. Take care all of you, will try & get on the net somewhere & catch up on what you are doing,if not be good. You will have to wait for the answer to the trivia question I posted last week if you havent already found it hidden in this post. Caio Cazza xxxxxxx
  5. Yuk that put me off my Muesli !sickly!
  6. Me thinks I am a little confused,must be excited about going on me hols!!
  7. Hey you 2, know you won't believe it but I thought it was too obvious so didnt mention it!! As a whipper snapper I used to have to sit with my sick gran upstairs in the bedroon come lounge room,so spent many hours listening to 208. I remember listening to the DJ's & the music & imagining it was an old ship & I swear I pictured it swaying back & forth in stormy waters!!! OO vivid imagination or what??
  8. Oh ok,I have been away a while Bamber. We spent last Christmas in Melbourne & it was really cold,we had the fire lit, warm clothes etc. My son [who is a nothing to do with the post but I thought I would mention it anyway!!] is visiting from Nottm this year so hope it's really hot !tanning!
  9. Ha Ha but no, it's not your Tony! BUMP
  10. Ugh Mick you aren't into Necrophilia are you
  11. WELL?????????????? Come on you lot,Even I know who it is BUMP
  12. You may be right Den,that could well be the case. I think we in Oz give out our fair share of freebies too. I still think both places have their own attractions: Nottingham has Pork Farms pork pies. Mushy peas Chitterlings Tripe & onions Real snags Danish Bacon Plough mans lunches Good beer Goose fair And most important of all for me cold Christmases. Australia has: Sunshine most of the time Lovely beaches Good wine Lobster Moreton bay bugs BIG Prawns Good steak Lovely fish Plenty of open spaces BUT Christmas is hot!! So make up your minds & when you've decided
  13. Might be a while, not sure yet,but you will definately be on the pub crawl list
  14. Hi Darcy Good thing about you living in Nottm is when I next visit you can be in on the booze up good is that?? !jumping!
  15. Pleased someone is paying attention Tuts Mick you need a holiday Hunny bighug
  16. This is getting more interesting by the day
  17. Good on ya Tutanic,she needs a bit of encouragement,if it was left to Bip & myself she would never come back!! Life is what you make it wherever you are, no good living in a beautiful place if you aren't settled or happy. I would love to visit France again,but that doesn't mean I want to live there & the same for Australia too, not every one settles here either. Family are a big draw card & sometimes that's all you need to make the decision to re locate,what ever you do Darcy be happy my love
  18. You have to explain Mick............... unmistakeable in which regard?