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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Only SOME of the girls haven't added their pic Mick, so as Admin man, I think you need to exert some power & encourage them to do it NOW! !rulez!
  2. He sure does Ayup! A couple of weeks away & he can't wait to get back & stir the gals someone else we know mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm now who could that be????? LOl I L K O
  3. Jeez boy you've been around a lot,around a lot of what i'm not sure? but not bad for a lad from the Medduz I once went to Top Of The Pops & saw Blondie,Lynx,Kid Jensen,& a few others who obviously weren't that famous or I could remember there names,but I didn't meet them only saw them perform in the studio AND...............I caught a glimpse of myself when the show was aired,i'm sticking my chest out now like a turkey lol!! laughing
  4. Hello Honey How are you ? we have missed you. Things are a bit heated on here at the moment. Do you have anything relating to Nottstalgia so we can change the subject matter? How is Chrissie?
  5. You can have it me duck, I was never one for cheap souveniers. But I would love to visit Nottm one time & go to Goose Fair. OOh the smells get my juices going,hot doughnuts, fairy floss & toffee apples,bet it wouldnt be the same, things never are.
  6. OMG!! wait until Smithylass reads that, you are in BIG trouble matey Friends
  7. I've just celebrated my 1st year as a Nottstalgian member!! How time flies when you are having fun yahoo Hopefully now the winter has passed, I can get back to being a full time contributor tease
  8. Smithylass you recognise him don't you??? should, you sleep with him every night tease
  9. Yeah we know you saw a lot, but what about the Artists you have seen Kiss
  10. Hey Mick We have 8 users online .................Kool hey???
  11. You don't say....................................... tease
  12. I shop online all the time & have never recieved anything in place of what I originally ordered. We also do a bit of bidding on online Auctions & that too has been very successful. Haven't tried shopping for food but I should, as walking round the supermarket looking for what might tempt someone else's palate is a bloody thankless task & I hate it I live in the country so it's not as accessable as it is in the city,but if I could I would.
  13. Where was Percy St school Angi? I think my mum went there ,she used to live on Hyson green as a child?
  14. G'day Barnze I always enjoy reading your blog when I have the time, I find it very amusing but................. I did find a few references to someone called Carol,you let her know in no uncertain terms what you think of her,it's not me is it?? sorry
  15. Hey Ilko & Scoots those Badgers & the Annoying song are really crazy & VERY annoying Where have you been Scoots??
  16. Mmmmm now let me think,where was it sis.......................???
  17. I wouldnt go bleating on about it too much Sis as I said to you before it only took the poms 20 yrs to do it,so you should make the most of it me duck......... we would.
  18. Hey Shedfixman I knew Gina Rudge too!! I think i'm right in thinking her parents either owned or ran an Off Licence over the roundabout going towards Trent Bridge? I also recall she had a silky terrier dog. She was good Friends with my sister. PM me & tell me your real name :D
  19. Welcome Bryceclare! Thanks for your PM. Look forward to reminiscing about the Meadows.
  20. Where do i find it,does anyone know?? I have had a quick look but nothing yet.
  21. Ok my turn now: Born 1955 in Nottingham city hospital. Lived on Ryehill Street,until my dad died in 1966 & then went to live on Ryehill Terrace until the early 70's. I'm the eldest of 3 girls [god help my poor mum!!!] Met the love of my life on Queens drive park in 67ish & went out together until he emigrated to Australia in 1970 with his family who lived on Orange St in The Meadows. We got engaged before he left. After 3 months I found out I was pregnant & had a son in early 1971. My sweetheart didn't return to England & so I was left to bring up my son on my own with the h