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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Does anyone remember the photographer's who used to work the Embankment in the summer? Would they have been freelance or work for someone else?? I also remember the deck chair man he must have made a fortune when it was hot. We used to go down Trent Bridge in the summer,& then to the Town Arms in the evening in our best clothes............ oh happy innocent days
  2. Caz


    Please explain?
  3. Mmmm sounds yummy Cali,never tried flavoured Rum. And as for this Cabana boy is he the same as the Polish sausage?? Last night I had a go at the Chivas Regal............. now that's a nice drop me old hearties
  4. What a con!! Today I logged onto GR to have a look around. Haven't been on for months. I was interested to see if an old man I used to communicate a bit with was still posting as he lives in Omeo which isn't too far away from me. Anyway I had a read of the posts & when I saw he was still on the site I decided to send him an email. Well!!!! to be able to do just that I had to join up & it would cost me 19.95 sterling, unreal. My a**e I was going to pay that,how can they quantify that amount. I am already a member of FR so the usual fee would be appropriate I think what about you??
  5. Thanks for posting that Scoots. Nice to see all the floats & people taking an interest in tradition & being proud of their country. I went to an Anzac parade today in my town. Very emotional watching all the old diggers marching with their medals,some very fragile, but still they marched with pride bless em!! A lot of Vietnam vets marched too. Lovely to see youngsters taking part & supporting the old soldiers.
  6. Ok I am very confused now. Where was the Hearty good fellow?? & if it was on Maid Marian Way ,where exactly was it??
  7. I know what BIP & Mick will say a pint of the best!! Mine's Vodka & Tonic. What about the rest of you??
  8. Caz


    Oh Dicko, apart from giving me goose pimples your story made me sad. How lovely that your best friend should choose you to visit, must make you feel close to her still.
  9. He's very quiet at the moment Ayup,do you think he's watching over us :lol:
  10. Where's all this happening Scoots,is it local or just England in general?? I wasn't aware St George's day was particularly celebrated. Good on them & you all for hanging onto tradition & something which should be celebrated. It shouldn't be allowed to just drift away.
  11. He's the patron St of England Caligal
  12. Caz


    Anybody on here had any experiences with Ghosts? the reason I ask is because my dog died a few months ago & not only can I feel him here sometimes, but I swear I can smell him too,in the car, & in the house. He hardly ever went in the car so it's not like he left a smell there, it's very spooky.
  13. Well now I've heard it all. Apparently the Pommy cricket team are having a whinge [so what's new??] regarding the bat Ricky Ponting uses to play cricket. It's made of graphite & the poms think he may have an unfair advantage when playing................ PLEEZE!! The other thing they are having a cry about is he has fluoro kangaroo stickers on the bat & they think it may put players off. Boo Hoo, if I was them I would just get on with trying to win & stop faffing around,or is this just an excuse to delay the inevitable...............again!
  14. Wouldn't be hard Den, I'm slack As for Ann & Judith,you mean to say you don't remember?? I know you have posted replies to Ann. Not sure if Judith has posted but she is certainly a member. That medication must be too strong Lovey
  15. Absolutely Red!! Anzac day is April 25th. This should be on Expats but never mind
  16. Sounds lethal Elaine. I have a cure all too. It's from a Polish recipe. You need the juice of a whole lemon 2 teaspoons of honey hot strong tea 2 aspirins Mix together including aspirins,drink it whilst hot & watch how it chases away those chills.
  17. Isn't it scarey to think we have done those terrible things & we have grown up ok,well reasonably anyway :o It just goes to show we weren't really evil just children following the leaders of the gang. When you hear what some of the kids of today get up to, ours was mischief & nothing more, some of the kids today are devils with a capital D!!
  18. Hey you Den, don't you like food?? what's your favourite faggots & peas??
  19. What's happened to Ann & Judith, have we scared them away do you think?? hope not. By the way Ann how far away is Concorde from you?? I may have already asked you this question so ignore it if I have , it's me age duck!
  20. Don't think you would need a laxative after all that onion Here's a recipe with spuds that I love. German Potato Pie. In a greaseproof bowl lay slices of potato cut thinly,interspersed with onion slices, do this until you reach the top of the dish,next a little salt & pepper & pour a large tub of cream over it, not the Lite stuff it's not the same,then sprinkle with strong cheddar cheese & bake in a hot oven until soft,absolutly delicious served with pork fillet or a nice piece of Porterhouse. It's not terribly good for you ,but if you only have it once a month it won't kill you
  21. Didn't realise you were a cabbie Scoots. And for some reason I thought you lived in Mablethorpe,maybe the age thing is starting
  22. Lol. They are all so funny,weren't we horrible? we used to do nasty things too,mostly the same as you guys. I also remember when The Meadows was being knocked down there were heaps of bricks about in the streets, we used to throw them at front doors & run like hell before they opened up, must have given them a heart attack hey?? Do you remember those caps you used to throw on the floor & they went off like a banger,scared the living daylights out of the oldies
  23. My god I didnt realise that happened the year I left for Oz. Seems such a long time ago. I remember that day so well,all those poor people who perished. it sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it. As for the Heysel tragedy, I'll give your link a go.
  24. Is it overseas?? cuz if it isn't i don't have a cat in hells chance of guessing where it is in the UK. Good idea though Den.
  25. Please excuse my ignorance but what is the anniversary Red?? can't be Hillsborough that was before that wasn't it??