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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Hey you've been around a bit Mick It's good to see profiles of the members. You never know one of us could even know a friend or rellie?
  2. That looks to be a very interesting site Mick,even if you have nothing to do with the police force. I have emailed it to my de facto brother in law here in Oz[he's a copper] i'm sure he'll love it caz
  3. Hi Mick, My Anti Virus checker wouldnt let me open one of the options on that site says something about suspicious mail? Caz
  4. What's ya looking fa Mick B) Someone give me a PM in the new year i must not forget to get myself a ticket for that tour. :D Ya right :lol: Does that mean you won't go with me then I think it would be very interesting [but I don't get out much]
  5. Hi BIP, Tried to use the link but it wasn't available,can you access it? Caz
  6. When did you leave Nottingham Mick? & i don't recall where you lived when you were younger? Caz
  7. I know a lot of you may have gone with parents,but if not, why did you leave the UK, do you ever regret leaving & what do you like about it? Caz in Oz B)
  8. Sorry Caz, i just had to have a go didn't i :D Yep right again Caz.. The reason I have probs with the Trivia isn't because i'm blonde[see pic of moi] it's because i'm upside down................. remember?? Don't you know anything BIP!!!
  9. That looks like the Mod Squad to me <_<
  10. Kajagoogoo?? Hey I went to Trent Bridge School not ladies borstal BIP I'm right arent I??
  11. Oh shame Mick,but someone has to do it hey?? My defacto brother-in-law has to work too, so I know how you feel, just part of the job. Hope you get time to have a drink anyway, best wishes Caz.
  12. Sorry Mick2me I still dont know what you're talking about
  13. Yeah but the girl is considerably older :D
  14. The Three Musketers??? ha ha
  15. I think that would be a really great thing to do. As a child I always wanted to be an Archeoligist so may as well start somewhere I suppose I've associated with a few stiffs in my time too [come to think of it I was married to one] :o
  16. What sign was that Mick.........beware of the dog!!!!???? LOL Caz
  17. This looks like the guy from Cream................can't remember his name Yes of course......Ginger Baker
  18. See how this goes Yep did it :D ....I really must not drink when i'm on this site
  19. Been trying to attach my pic but it won't download, they usually work ok on here any tips??
  20. I thought it was my dandruff!! :lol: No Eastenders is 2 years behind you guys so she still looks alrightish