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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. The World Health Organisation are looking at the possibility of e-vaccination certificates. You can be sure that there be some certificate of vaccination given. You will need some sort of proof to identify you and qualify you for your second vaccination. It will all become clear over the next few days. I’m sure airlines won’t let you on board without some evidence.


    Edit: At present hospitals will be giving patients a card to remind them to come in for the second vaccine. Presumably after the second one there will be a more rigorous method of proof instigated.








  2. It was the Council who permitted it on Council land so they are responsible. Mellors hoped to make some money out of it. I don’t think they were being altruistic in bringing Christmas joy to the people. The Council may be in in for a large compensation claim though but that will come from the council tax payers and not out of their own pockets.

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  3. Apparently a certificate of vaccination is to  be issued so it will be up to the other party to ask for that proof.

    You could possibly fabricate a false one of course.

    My son used to make proof of age documents for his sister many years ago. I still have the laminating machine!


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  4. We’ll never really know but we’re opening the floodgates for a few days over Christmas so we’ll have to see see what January brings. If the regulations weren’t relaxed some people would have ignored them anyway so you just can’t win.

  5. They’re not in a prominent position and nothing like as big as the ‘under the square’ ones were. There isn’t sufficient toilet accommodation to cater for large gatherings. The Council should have anticipated this when organising a Christmas market. The fact is they should not have done it in the first place during the current tier 3 situation.

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  6. I see common sense has prevailed and they’ve ‘temporarily’ closed down Nottingham Christmas Market. They didn’t expect so many people apparently! What a bunch of fools is this Council.

    Also people were were using shop doorways as toilets as they were no public facilities available and they were unable to contain themselves.

  7. When I was in the fishing port of Tarbert at the top of the Mull of Kintyre I was told by a fisherman that they shipped two large container loads of live shellfish in tanks to the Continent every week. It's a very long road trip from Tarbert to the Channel ports. 

    It's an eyeopener to go round French supermarkets and look at some of the disgusting things they eat!

  8. It’s true about home grown slavery. Wealthy mill owners paying a pittance in wages to workers, many of them children. People lived in tied houses from where they could easily be evicted and were forced to use tokens to buy their food in company shops. It still goes on in places like Leicester where wealthy factory owners pay their countrymen/women around £3 an hour to work in their sweatshops. 

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  9. Ah, the dreaded chicken flu. An old friend used to be in charge of Boots' research station at Thurgarton when they were big in vetinery and agri. chemicals. He was an entomologist and invented a compound that would completely rid chicken coups of red mite for years. It was too good to be commercial so it was sold in a much diluted version whereby the customers had to buy it on a yearly basis to control the mite.