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Posts posted by MargieH

  1. This really needs another topic doesn't it but there's probably something already on the site, so I won't bother!

    Ann, it depends on what comes to hand as to what I read. Apart from mostly classic SF - Arthur C Clarke, Brian Aldiss etc, I also like autobiographies, occasional historical romantic novels (sorry!) Dickens and other classics. As you can see, I often re-read my favourites but I seem to be so busy these days that at the moment I'm finding it hard to find time to read anything much. Just acquired The Thorn Birds on this IPad/Kindle as I remember seeing it on TV in the early eighties and it was on offer from Amazon!! I like Tolkien, too and often re-read L of the R. I read a lot of contemporary theology by various authors as well - the list is endless........

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  2. I saw someone standing by my bed three or four times when I was young. It was when I suddenly woke up in the night. They were looking down sideways at my bed but not actually looking at me. It always gave me a bit of a jolt, but as I looked they sort of faded away. I remember the last time when I woke and saw him - never saw his face but I sort of felt it was a man - I thought 'oh no not again'. Never seen anything like it since, although my eldest boy said he always thought the walls in my bedroom were shouting at him when he and our other two children were sleeping in there, while visiting their grandparents (my Mum and Dad) I never spoke of my experience to them until they were grown up so it couldn't have been auto suggestion. I always think of it as a ghost but who knows.... The house was built around the beginning of the 20th Century I think.

  3. One Rat, I've still got the New Testament that we were given in 1953 and I remember the long thin tin of chocolates, but don't know where that has gone.

    Also the mention of Arnold Baths reminds me that we, at Arno Vale School used to be taken there for swimming lessons. This was around 1950. We used to trail down there two by two - can't remember if it was every week. I just remember we had duck our heads under the water and I didn't like having to do that. I remember my pink rubber swimming cap and the elasticated ruched (is that the right word?) swimming costume.

  4. Swe62, I often used to walk down the twitchel on my way to school (C le W) We used to get off the 25 bus the stop before the bottom of Westdale Lane so we could walk along Priory Road and call for our friend, Vivienne, who lived there. What was the name of that twitchel? I've read about it somewhere on this site...

  5. "We are the girls and boys well known as

    Minors of the ABC

    And every Saturday we line up

    to see the films we like and shout aloud with glee.

    We love to laugh and have a sing song;

    such a happy crowd are we;

    We're all pals together,

    we're Minors of the ABC."

    If you want to hear it being sung, it's on Youtube.

    I remember my brother playfully punching his friend whenever we sung the penultimate line of the song! Another random memory....

    I, too, thought it was 6d - maybe Robbie is much younger than us and the price had gone up? Robbie??

    The Ovaltiney song was something else - on the radio

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  6. Vulcan 4, re your post #14 about air raid sirens... I was born in a house on Hereford Road Woodthorpe in 1943 and my Mum told me that very soon after I was born there was a siren but she told my Dad she wasn't getting out of bed for anything! When we moved later in the year to a house on Woodthorpe Drive, there was a shelter in the back garden. I remember it being demolished when I was about 5 or 6. Did you go to the ABC Minors at the Metropole?My brother who was 7 years older than me used to take me there - he was a monitor of Block 19. Why do we remember such obscure details I wonder..

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  7. I like a variety of foods - don't think I have an actual favourite. It depends from day to day what I fancy but when we go out for a meal, I usually want a salad with whatever else there is. Just thought... Pizza Hut salads I particularly like, also a tuna mayonnaise jacket spud with a big salad.

  8. I used to make mud pies using soil from our garden, decorating them with tiny pebbles, then drying them on baking trays in the sun. I loved doing that and was really pleased that my youngest grandchild's reception class last Summer had a 'muddy kitchen' alternate weeks, where they mixed mud pies outside on the school field - only difference was that it was sterilised soil and didn't have any worms in! They were asked to bring suitable clothing and wellies. The weeks inbetween they went on a 'woodland walk' , looked at insects and other wildlife and collected different leaves to take back. I suppose we are lucky to be living in a village where this sort of thing is possible.

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