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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. @MRS B are you subscribed to ‘My Chart?’ Or is this not a Nationwide site? I can access all my results - blood tests’ scans and clinic reports - as soon as my GP gets them. I had a hospital clinic appt on Saturday and the detailed results were on My Chart on Monday morning! Detailed Scan results usually take a bit longer…. Maybe a couple of weeks and I sometimes have to do a fair bit of googling to understand all of the medical terms! Maybe we are just fortunate to live in the Cambridge area as I have no problems with getting appts at the GP Surgery either. i hope your knee pro
  2. @philmayfield you had certainly changed a lot facially from when I remember you at age 10/11 Please can you post a picture of you at Arno Vale?
  3. @philmayfieldMiddle row third from right?
  4. We use ‘Askmygp’. Which is very good. You type in why you want to consult a doctor (you can even attach a photo of your affliction if necessary !!! ). Then you wait for a phone call from your GP who will give advice or ask you to come to the surgery for a face to face. perhaps this isn’t available where you live?
  5. @Brew it was 72% full but I’ve deleted a few messages so it’s down to 50% now.
  6. I suppose each GP practice decides how many doctor hours they can afford to pay for. Each practice will have a budget they need to keep to. But I agree, it’s very frustrating trying to get appointments. However, Once you actually get to see a doctor, I’ve found they are very efficient (and kind)
  7. @beekay. Bring back happy little ‘Jim’ please x
  8. Too many cars on the roads! What’s wrong with taking the bus, especially if you use a bus pass…. I’m not talking about towns further away from your home eg Newark btw. Cars are sometimes absolutely necessary. What about a combination of car, then Park and Ride where available? Lots of you seem to like being nostalgic about old buses……. Do you ever use current ones? ( I know some of you do ) I’ll finish with the same sentence I started with. Too many cars on the roads! All this is obviously just my opinion
  9. Brilliant idea Brew but as both my eyes are equally rubbish that probably wouldn’t work Have you asked about eye injections?
  10. @Brew I’ve only just seen your post so sorry I’m late in replying …. Is the wet Macular degeneration in both eyes or just one? It’s only my left eye that is wet, the right one is still dry. I’ve had monthly injections in my left eye for around 2 years but as it has now stabilised (so I’m told) I only have clinic appointments about every 2 months so it can be monitored. It’s impossible to say whether the injections have stopped it getting worse but it seems to have done so. I had a cataract removed over 20 years ago and an artificial lens fitted, which was amazingly successful for ab
  11. @Lizzieypur writing about village fetes reminded me that I once saw Gert and Daisy at a fete at Chapel St Leonard’s around 1950. Most of you will no doubt be saying “who on earth were they?” I think they were suppoosed to be sort of comediennes but I could hardly see them anyway as the field was very crowded (and I was small)
  12. At secondary school I think it was only the boys who were addressed by their surnames. We girls were called by our first names!
  13. I heard that the butterfly symbolised the metamorphosis from a prince to a king. As for the portrait itself, I think it’s just headline grabbing
  14. A friend of mine in our village has 2 monkey puzzle trees in her front garden - one is about 15 feet tall and the other a mere 8 feet. They always look like a mother and child to me…..
  15. @Beekay I know that no official interest is paid but we do get prizes most months, sometimes really good ones, and it’s better than stuffing notes under your mattress
  16. Premium Bonds are paying out more while interest rates are high. When they drop, so will the prizes. Meanwhile, we’re very happy with our returns. i dont see it as gambling (which I don’t do) as you never lose your original ‘stake’.
  17. @Brew sorry you seem to be having some health issues. I hope they'll be sorted soon. I know all about those eye tests …… I’m a regular at the eye clinic. We also have a ‘Peak flow’ monitor to use at home which measures how quickly you can breathe out. Our scores aren’t too good and we’ve both been sent for CT scans but the results seem OK for our age. Sending lots of good wishes to you ……. x
  18. That might be the answer BK but to be honest I can’t really be bothered! I have no photos I want to share anymore - nothing anyone else would be interested in anyway. I read all the posts on NS (except the word games) but rarely post anything as I feel I’ve exhausted all my memories - at least all those that I would want to share!!! And I don’t want to keep endlessly repeating things…… I am very content with my life and will continue to enjoy reading all the threads (even though I don’t necessarily agree with - or relate to -everything I read….. ). But that’s just the same
  19. You are correct BK but last time I tried, it seemed to have changed so I didn’t bother.
  20. I think it’s more difficult posting pictures on here than on fb or messenger. I used to be able to do it but not any more.
  21. My mum always used to sprinkle a little sugar on sliced tomatoes, add a little pepper on strawberries and always had sliced cucumber in vinegar.
  22. Col, maybe God is letting you know in many different ways tnat you should employ a plumber/bathroom fitter for the job? I am not joking x
  23. @The Engineer Just read the article about the clock - very interesting… When I first saw the clock i was very young and believed it was driven by the water - like a water wheel - but after I’d left Nottingham around 1960, and later visited it, I studied it more closely and decided it must have a motor. well done for maintaining it so well
  24. You must be clever, Col, fitting the flooring round the loo and washbasin …..