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Posts posted by Oztalgian

  1. Having had appropriation bills passed by the House of Representatives Fraser used his numbers in the Senate to continually block supply unless Whitlam called an election for the house of Reps and urged the GG, John Kerr, to dismiss Whitlam if he did not call an election. Whitlam went to the GG to seek his approval to call a half senate elction in a bid to resolve the deadlock. The GG denied that request and dismissed Whitlam and appointed Fraser as caretaker Prime Minister. Agreed, the following election was a landslide for Fraser.

    The Senate still retains its power to block supply and the Governor General still has the power to dismiss government ministers but has not been used since that infamous day.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Brew said:

    And what advantage would Australia have that they don't have now?

    Not having to seek approval of the queens representative in the event of a political crisis e.g. the dismissal of the Whitlam Labor Government.

    We would also save a lot of taxpayer money by getting rid of the Governors General and their hangers on at national and state levels.

    • Like 1
  3. Going to get our booster shots today amid Omnicron running rampant throughout Australia except WA who kept their borders firmly shut. Due to the failure of the Federal Government to plan and act in a timely manner they have decided that a rapid antigen test (lateral flow) positive now does not need a confirmatory PCR test. One outcome of this is we will not know how many people are infected as there is no system in place for reporting positive rapid antigen tests (RAT)

    There is a shortage of RAT test kits as our Federal polliewaffles in Canberra have yet again failed the people of Australia. Luckily? Omnicron  appears much less severe than the Delta strain. Regardless of this it is another Omnishambles brought to you by our conservative Federal Government, this time aided and abetted by many State Governments who had previously done so well followed the mantra of "we must open up" and now have morphed into "Let it Rip".

    To all those who catch covid I wish a speedy recovery and to those who have and will lose loved ones my heartfelt condolences.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Ayupmeducks said:

    I was a "Republican" during my time in Oz, 100% in favour of pulling Oz out of the Commonwealth and having a President.

    We would have been a republic now except that the November 1999 referendum proposed a President elected by parliament. Australia's distrust of our political elite was reflected in the poll. 55% voted No in a 95% compulsory turnout. Strangely enough Queensland led the No vote with 63%. The Yes campaign was led by Malcolm Turnbull who later went on to become our Prime Minister, subsequent poor polling led him to be ousted and our current incompetent bumbling buffoon became Prime Minister in 2018.

    If they had opted for a citizen elected President we would have been a Republic then.

  5. On 1/3/2022 at 10:30 AM, DJ360 said:

    I do think that the 'Honours' system needs a dose of looking at and like everyone else here

    We have a similar system here too. Caused uproar when our then Prime Minister Tony Abbott awarded Prince Philip an Australian knighthood WTF.

    Awards should only go to Joe Public who volunteer their time freely in support of a cause they believe in.

    Certainly not public service mandarins, MP's, members of the armed forces etc. and any one else who got one for doing the job they were paid to do. They should never ever go to celebrities no matter how good their "charitable works" or how much they donated from their gazillions, they do not miss it no matter how much it is and anyway it is tax deductible.

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  6. In words similar to those of the late great John Arlott. "Its a cloudy day here at the Sydney Cricket Ground, Australia have won the toss and elected to bat"

    It looks like the weather will intervene quite often in what has become the "Pink Test" which supports the McGraw Foundation for breast care in memory of Jane McGraw.


    I do not understand the thinking of the selectors having picked essentially the same team which has been obliterated by the Aussies in the previous three tests. Joe Root has started in his usual incompetent manner by not opening the bowling with Wood who at least has speed on his side and has used Broad and Andersen who have been great servants of England but are now little better than medium pace and showed no signs of troubling the opening batsmen

  7. The local pit tip had endless hours of fun, truck inner tubes on the settling ponds, sliding down the slopes using old conveyor belt as a track and stupidest of all trying to ride on the aerial ropeway buckets. Often got chased off by the dozer drivers that were spreading the spoil.

    Now it is all groomed green slopes with walking trails and fishing in the old settling ponds, no clue that it was ever a pit tip.


  8. After the Federal government changed the rules on what constitutes a close contact our state chief medical officer said that we would still be using the former criteria of 15 minutes contact. Shortly afterwards our premier slapped her down and said we would be using the Federal measure. So much for following the medical advice and putting the community safety first, our toady premier buckled to the almighty dollar. No wonder people are getting aggravated when 25,000 people are allowed to attend a cricket match at the Adelaide Oval when pubs and clubs are limited to 1 person per 4 sq metres and home gatherings are limited to 10 people. There is a shortage of Rapid Antigen Tests kits, PPE is again in short supply and the medical/hospital/ambulance system is struggling to the extent that they have cancelled all elective surgery even in the private hospital system. Another example of changing the reporting system to show their incompetence in a better light.

    When we opened our borders on November 23rd we had zero covid cases, today we have had 2108 cases and a total of around 11,000 cases. Instead of fixing the system of gaining permission to enter South Australia our buffoon of a premier decided to open the borders because that was what the other states were doing. WA excepted as they still continue to do their own thing their way.

    Would you be surprised to know that in Australia you are classed as employed if you do 1 hours work in any 1 month.

    I hope the Australian people vote to "Keep the Bastards Honest" at the upcoming election.

  9. 15 hours ago, philmayfield said:

    Trains stop more frequently at Fiskerton as it's on a bus route to Southwell.

    Yes, I remember the MGO 209 bus from Mansfield to Newark via Southwell/Fiskerton, used to catch it to go fishing.

    The other service from Mansfield to Newark was the 208 via Southwell/Upton I never caught that bus

  10. On 12/28/2021 at 9:31 PM, philmayfield said:

    In our village there are no buses and although there is a regular train service from Lincoln to Nottingham, very few trains stop at our station.

    Do the trains still stop regularly at Fiskerton Station? I seem to remember it was quite a way out of the village and that Bleasby had a station at one time.


  11. Sadly we have had another death of with or from Covid, a two year old girl. My heart goes out to her family at this devastating time.

    Meanwhile our pollie wafflers have come up with a new meaning of a "close contact". It is now defined as "Someone who has spent four hours or more with a confirmed case in a household or household like setting." What a cop out! Given that Omnicron is a more virulent strain and more easily transmissible can someone explain this logic to me? We have yet further abdication of responsibility by the ruling elite. All in the name of "protecting the system". Ballcocks, it is only about reducing costs to the governments and bu$$ger the poor serfs who are having difficulty getting tested or getting their booster shots. The government run vaccination clinic where we live closed on Christmas eve and will remain closed until 4 Jan 2022. In the midst of a pandemic this beggars belief. I suspect that the next announcement from the Feds will be "this thing has got away from us and the only thing we can do now is just to let it rip."

  12. 10 hours ago, Brew said:

    There are a myriad of reports on the vaccinations effectiveness and results depend on the tests and how the data is collated.

    Brew, that report is from May 2021, the latest data from HIQA Dec 2021 indicates that for over 65's the efficacy of AZ drops to as  low as 36% after 6 months.

  13. On a different level to what is happening in the UK, here in South Australia sadly we have just had our 5th death. It is not yet sure if the death of a 94 year old woman was with or of Covid. However, it was the loved one of families that are now mourning her loss. We had just shy of 1,000 cases today and have had 5,238 cases since the state government stupidly opened our borders on 23 November despite our hospitals, ambulance services and testing capability being woefully under prepared and resourced and the health professionals advising against it.

    We have moved from protecting the people to protecting the government and the "system" by scaling back testing and quarantine levels because the "system" was not coping with the rules made by the government?

    Personally I am pi$$ed off that due to the Federal governments incompetence and failure to plan and order sufficient doses of vaccines I received two doses of the AZ vaccine, which we now find is giving us very little protection after 4 months. We are due our booster which will be Pfizer in 9 days. Until then we are keeping a low profile. Who knows what comes next? A booster every three months?

    We have the opportunity to rid ourselves of the incompetent conservative side of government at both State and Federal levels with elections in Q1 and Q2 next year. I hope the people of Australia and South Australia remember when it comes time to cast their votes.


  14. Bowled out for 68 resulting in an innings and 14 runs defeat, embarrassing!

    The whole lot of the people in this touring group should be replaced after this dreadful, appalling, atrocious, inadequate, ineffective incompetent, pathetic useless performance. The selectors should be replaced if this is the best they can come up with.

    Call them all home and send out one of the county sides, minus overseas players of course, they could not do any worse.

    Reduce the numbers of "hangers on" administrators and ineffective specialist coaches and fly out a bare bones outfit that will at least have some fight and try to restore some pride in English cricket.

  15. After a half decent bowling effort and getting Australia all out for 267 England have come out in their concrete wellies again. At the close of play England are 31 for 4, still 51 runs behind so an innings defeat is still not out of the equation.

    Joe Root has been batting well but needs lessons in captaincy.

    Haseeb Hameed fails again and looks as if he would be more comfortable as a garden gnome sitting fishing near someone's pond than an opening batsmen.

  16. A Nottingham version of the Twelve Days of Christmas


    On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…

    Twelve Mardy Boggers

    Eleven Robin Ud hats

    Ten pairs of Boowits

    Nine Osses Neighing

    Eight Maids a Mashin’

    Seven Pints of Shippos

    Six Guzzgogs

    Five Nobby Greens

    Four Sausage Cobs

    Three Snap Tins

    Two Ralleh Bikes

    And some Mint Sauce wi’ Mushy Peez

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