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Posts posted by Oztalgian

  1. 44 yards x 18 yards (not including the 10 yard arc from the penalty spot) is a pretty fair sized lawn.

    You will need a decent length extension lead if the Flymo is electrically powered.

    I feel another song coming on "The Green Green Grass of Home.

  2. 6 hours ago, letsavagoo said:

    Final Whistle in Southwell.

    Don't know that one at all, must be after my time there. From the name and looking at the photos is it the old station building? Used to frequent the Hearty Goodfellow , the Reindeer and the pub at the end of Church Street where it meets Fiskerton Rd, its name escapes me at the moment.

  3. 3 hours ago, letsavagoo said:

    I live in Morton

    Lucky you. I know I have said before on here that if I came back to Nottinghamshire I would live in one of those villages relatively close to the Trent.

    Just before we decided to emigrate we looked at buying a house at Bleasby and stupidly thought it was too far to travel to Kirkby for work.

    Who knows if we had bought that house we may have stayed in Notts.

    When fishing on the sandy bank at Fiskerton near the end of the wall in the direction of Hazelford I often used to leave my gear way up on the bank so the barges did not wash it away and stroll down to The Bromley Arms at lunchtime for a couple of pints of Kimberley mild and cheese and onion cobs.

  4. 42 minutes ago, letsavagoo said:

    The moon are doing takeaways

    Letsavagoo, Is that the Full Moon at Morton?

    If so it was one of my favourite pubs when we went a ride down by the river. If memory serves me right it was a "Free House"?

  5. We can discuss all day the relevance of comparison of figures, number of people, population densities etc. but around the world it appears proven

    there are a number of strategies that seem to be working.

    1. Acting Early
    2. Physical Distancing
    3. Extensive Testing
    4. Isolation of Known Cases
    5. Rapid Contact Tracing

    I'll leave you to judge for yourselves how well the UK has fared against these criteria.


    Thankfully in Australia we have yet to reach a 100 deaths however this may be surpassed soon as we have a number of active clusters interstate that we are assured are controlled. Here in South Australia we have one only active case.


    Stay safe everyone.

    • Like 2
  6. On 5/8/2020 at 9:38 AM, Oztalgian said:

    Brew, I am using the numbers which are broadly equivalent, only to highlight the efficacy of differences in responses by governments here in Australia versus the UK and I don't think I am wrong in saying that the population of the UK has been poorly served by those that govern them.

    Thanks DJ360 Your post supports my view that the UK has been badly served by those who were charged with responding to this virus.

    The recent announcement to have all arrivals self quarantine effective in a fortnight, Why not immediately. Yet again a case of too little too late.

    I agree it is not all about the numbers but if that extra death is one of your family then I think many would agree and ask the question, "Have we done all we could?"

    • Like 1
  7. Yes Brew hindsight is a wonderful thing, however, at some point in time there should surely be an inquiry into why the UK has been hit harder than many other countries in Europe.

    In closing look at the data on this site and ask the obvious questions


    Particularly the data related to Germany, what did they do differently?


    • Like 1
  8. Brew, I am using the numbers which are broadly equivalent, only to highlight the efficacy of differences in responses by governments here in Australia versus the UK and I don't think I am wrong in saying that the population of the UK has been poorly served by those that govern them.

    As an example Australia and New Zealand closed their borders firstly to China, then Italy and then to all except returning citizens or residents and any of those returning are put into quarantine. The UK continues to let anyone in without any checks. The outcome is obvious in the number of infections and deaths. We are both islands ours is, granted, a lot bigger but an island non the less.

    What numbers would you use to measure the efficacy of the UK's response

  9. 38 minutes ago, Stuart.C said:

    Size of Nottinghamshire is 2160km sq.

    Size of South Australia is 983482km sq., roughly 455 times larger, so the risk of contact between individuals is far less.

    Sorry but your comment is a little simplistic. 1.33 million or 77 % of South Australians live in Greater Adelaide which covers an area of 3257 square kilometres the average population density is 400 per sq km with pockets to the south and east of the CBD as high as 3000 per sq km

    There is bugger all people or anything else in most of South Australia. 80% of the state is classed as outback some 800,000 sq km

    Nottinghamshire has an average population density of 535 per sq km

  10. We have had our first reported case of Covid 19 in fourteen days. 

    What is disturbing about this case is that the gentleman returned from the UK and landed in Australia on March 20th He did the right thing and  self quarantined on arrival and developed very mild symptoms including loss of taste and smell on 24th March. He sought a test on 5th May and found to be positive to the virus. I wish him, the other active case and the two in hospital speedy recoveries.

    According to SA Health there are only five close contacts none of whom have symptoms. He has had this virus for six weeks and it was only found by testing. This reinforces the need for continual and ongoing testing.

    By way of reference South Australia has a population of 1.7 million of which Adelaide itself has 1.3 million has had a total 439 cases of Covid 19 with only 4 deaths

    Nottinghamshire has a population of around 788,000 and has had 1708 confirmed cases with 448 deaths

    To me it shows either that the UK government did not react fast enough, soon enough or aggressively enough when they first became aware or that the strain of Covid 19 in the UK is more prone to result in death, or both

    Keep safe and well everyone 

  11. This is doing the rounds down under and if it is true it must rank as one of the greatest comebacks of all time.

    Stupid Question...

    Excellent Answer !!

     General Sir Peter John Cosgrove, AK, MC, (born 28 July 1947) is a retired senior Australian Army officer and the 26th and current Governor-General of Australia

    He was sworn in on 28 March 2014, 

    and made a Knight of the Order of Australia the same day

        General Cosgrove was interviewed on TV by Leigh Sales from the ABC.

    Regardless of how you feel about gun laws you have to love this! 

    This is one of the best comeback lines of all time.

    This is a portion of an ABC interview between a female journalist Leigh Sales and General Cosgrove who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military Headquarters. 



    So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?


    We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery and shooting.


    Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?


    I don't see why, 
    they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.


    Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?


    I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline

    before they even touch a firearm. 


    But you're equipping them to become violent killers.


    Well, Ma'am, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?

              The broadcast went silent for 46 seconds and when it returned, the interview was over.

    • Like 5
  12. I am a little jealous of you folks that have seen such iconic steam engines.

    I was privileged to see The Flying Scotsman 4472 and Australia's iconic engine 3801 in a parallel run in NSW in1988/89. It was part of our bi-centennial celebrations. 4472 was once owned by Alan Pegler who was raised in  Nottinghamshire.

    4472 Flying Scotsman & 3801 at Moss Vale 11-3-1989 | Flickr

    To me steam engines are "alive" and it is the smell of hot oily steam that evokes most memories much like the smell of hot diesel engines at the Goose Fair

    • Like 1
  13. 11 hours ago, loppylugs said:

    I put down a couple of slabs yesterday for my wheely bin to stand on

    Why are you standing your wheely bin on a couple of cartons of beer?

    Slab is Australian slang for a carton of 24 beers

    • Like 1
  14. Hope everyone is staying safe and well


    Here in South Australia we are slowly relaxing the lockdown and hopefully coming out of the grip of this virus.

    We have had 13 straight days without any new cases of Covid 19 being reported. There are only 5 active cases and only 2 people remain in hospital, none are in ICU.

    As of Monday it is thought that intrastate travel will be opened up and restrictions on the number of people attending funerals removed, however they say that the names and contact details of people will need to be recorded just in case.

    They are working on plans for social distancing in offices and industry as they re-awaken the economy.


    Stunned shock over the news from the USA that a store security guard at a shopping centre has been shot dead for asking a shopper to wear a mask.

    Is there a strain of this virus that only attacks d!ck heads? I think we need one!

    • Like 1
  15. 10 minutes ago, DaveN said:

    20 Best Things Nottingham Has Given The World

    They forgot Sturmey Archer and Raglan Lathes 


    What about the 20 (or more) "worst" things that Nottingham has given the world

    I'll kick of with these

    1. Maid Marion Way (An eyesore from day one that ruined a beautiful city)
    2. Players cigarettes (No narrative needed)
    3. Shipstones Beer (Definitely an acquired taste, unloved by many)