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Everything posted by trogg

  1. I started at Greenwood in 58 in the G stream after the first year Mr Bonner was our form teacher a strict but fair man enjoyed his teaching of physics I remember Mr Mcclennan(spelling) for maths., gave me a good knowledge of the subject. Cannot remember the name of the history teacher but he was in the wrong profession could not control a class so very little learnt there. I had to leave in 62 so did not stay on for O levels regretted it for rest of my life, but enjoyed my time there with the exception of cross country my legs were designed for walking.
  2. trogg


    many thanks for the welcome , I stayed a lurker because after reading all the post over a long period I thought I could not be able to offer much more to the knowledge held on this site, but when there was uncertainty over the NCB xray site I remembered as a 15 year old walking up the tree lined drive asking the others whats an xray. I found out over time if you want to know where a street is that been demolished for years just ask and in a short time some one will supply a map others will tell tales of the street and often or not a photograph will be supplied, I have been mesmerised by the
  3. trogg


    don't worry Benj I never knew les from bestwood estate only know him from his time on the fire brigade and as a Union official, but I might have to look him up to find out your secrets. Yes I am shy and reserved all bestwood boys are known for that, amongst other things.
  4. trogg


    I went to whipple but not to padstow wish I did because I missed out not knowing a lot of the locals, only the ones near bye my elder brother Roger and a couple of my sisters went to Padstow so I heard a lot of stories about it. I knew Les Worral very well. I bet that's got you worried.
  5. trogg


    I was more bothered about Benjamin than my sisters they could more than look after themselves, allegedly , for Benjs information I lived on Leybourne drive.
  6. I went for chest xray in 62 , I believe that the place was as another person said it was on the left on cinderhill road going into Bulwell , I have looked on the site Old maps on a 1955 map and it was up a drive between Drysdale close and Haswell road. at the top is a building named Springhead , I can remember the trees as I walked up there ,
  7. Yes at last I admit it I am a long term Lurker, I have been for at least 2years, I lived on Bestwood estate from aged 7 to 19,and like a well dressed man from there I wear a tie, but mine is round me waste , wife not buy me a new one as I might not live long enough to get me monies worth. I learnt a lot of things about Nottingham from this site , many thanks. I also now know what not to do, stand I front so somebody in the food queue for fear of me life, complain about cats for fear of verbal abuse and not to mention my favourite topic cos I get banned. So I try and stick to my favourite city