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Status Replies posted by Stavertongirl

  1. Does anyone remember Burtons Arcade underneath the Council House.  Got lovely bacon sliced as you waited.  Lovely decorations throughout at Christmas.

    1. Stavertongirl


      I can vaguely remember the change system. Roughtons just down from Canning Circus had one as well, it used to fascinate me when I want in with my mum. The main thing I remember about Clumber Street is all the shoe shops on there. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Does anyone remember Burtons Arcade underneath the Council House.  Got lovely bacon sliced as you waited.  Lovely decorations throughout at Christmas.

    1. Stavertongirl


      I used to go into the cheese section on my way home from work on Friday (pay day). Used to get smoked cheese or Edam (Thought it was very sophisticated) for me and Stilton for my mum. You could smell the fish section all through the arcade some days. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)