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Posts posted by Stavertongirl

  1. According to an investigation by the Israelis one jab only gives 33% immunity if the second jab is delayed. Although this hasn’t been peer reviewed yet it is worrying as I believe the government figure was a lot higher than that and it appears Chris Whitt’s has said it could be between the two figures. This doesn’t exactly inspire confidence especially due to the governments perpensity (spelling) to cock everything up in every way it can. 


  2. Just read on Nottinghamshire that the Kingsmill Hospital will be trailing 24 hour vaccinations for 3 days or so.
    Also some may be asked to go to Birmingham or Boston for their jabs. Not sure how that would work is transport being provided I wonder? Article has just been updated and you can still wait for your “local letter” if you get one of these letters. That’s a relief!!


  3. Kai went back to the vets yesterday evening. I must say the urine sample was easy to get, he had had a steroid injection so was drinking a lot so just followed him out into garden with an old jug and got enough to float a boat. Don’t think it will be that easy ever again!

    Anyway he was a little bit better yesterday, had a bit more interest in things although still had a bit of a battle getting his tablet down him and he is still not eating properly. I have given up with the ones for his stomach, he hadn’t been sick since Friday night anyway, they were capsules and I was getting fed up of finding them where he had wandered off and spit them out. 
    His temperature has gone down so hopefully it is just a case of finishing his course of antibiotics and convincing him his meat is just as tasty as the chicken he has been having the last two days!! At least he has had a full blood workout so I know everything else seems to be okay.

    Don’t know about having the patience of a vet it is more a war of attrition with him at times he is so stubborn (well he is male) so I have to be stubborner, if that is a word. 
    We have had a gentle walk to the park this morning, didn’t go all the way round as there was about 2” of standing water on the grass so he is having a snooze now. 
    Relieved he is improving slowly, I was really worried about him especially with his age (he is 11 in April) which is getting on for a large dog. Now looking forward to him being fully fit again and more muddy walks in the woods with his new coat. 

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  4. Yesterday I had to take Kai to the vets, he definitely wasn’t right always a worry especially at his age. Managed to get an appointment in the morning so we walked down there. They had their lockdown rules again so I had to ring to let them know I was there, the vet then rings you back to find out what is wrong and eventually someone comes out to take your dog in. You have to stay outside. It was freezing on Saturday morning and we had to wait about half an hour for the vet to ring, by that time I was really cold. She came out to get Kai and told me to wait in my car, told her we had walked down so she asked the reception staff if I could wait inside, permission was granted I am pleased to say. They have got it set up with cubicles for you to wait in and the reception staff are encased in Perspex with masks and face shields and I had my mask as well. 
    Anyway Kai went with the vet, had his bloods done and it seems he has an infection, he had numerous injections and we came away with 2 lots of tablets and a much lighter bank balance, although the insurance should cover some of it. He didn’t need his tablets until this morning.

    I gave him some chicken first thing, he hasn’t eaten properly for a couple of days, which went down very well. He has to have 2 anti-biotics and 2 tablets for his stomach (he had been sick through Sunday night) every day. Nipped out yesterday and got him some wafer thin cooked ham, which he is partial to, to use to give him his tablets. Tried him with the ham without the tablet but he turned his head away, same with another bit of chicken. Left him for a while and tried again, he took the ham walked down the passage and spit it out on his mat and wandered off into the front room. 
    So now I tried bribery and found myself telling him if he took his tablets I would take him out for his “gentle exercise”. Funnily enough this didn’t work!

    Left him again for a bit and then tried again, still wouldn’t co-operate. So telling him this was his own good I wrapped half a tablet in a piece of ham and tried to open his mouth but he clenched his jaw so I couldn’t. I wagged my finger at him and told him he WOULD take it, I put the tablet down and carefully opened his mouth and put the tablet/ham in his mouth and then held his mouth closed gently whilst rubbing his throat. We were like this for a while staring into each other’s eyes until he finally swallowed, did the same with the other half of the tablet. I haven’t attempted the other tablet which is to settle his stomach, thought the anti-biotics were more important and he hasn’t been sick since Sunday night. We then went for a little walk. Must say he has been watching me very closely since we got back.

    1 tablet down 13 more to go. 


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  5. I am always amazed at parents letting their children approach a strange dog.  
    Kai isn’t used to children, not that he would hurt them but he can be a bit enthusiastic in greeting people/dogs sometimes, not nasty just pleased to see them. If asked if he can be petted I always warn of this, but if they just approach without asking I always tell them no. 
    I certainly wouldn’t touch a strange dog without getting the owners consent. But since covoid have said no to all and not touched anyone else’s dog either, just admired from a safe distance especially Fergus a young (7 months old) Irish Terrier who is absolutely beautiful. He is a red fox colour and is so excited when he sees someone/another dog he jumps up and down in the spot like he is on a pogo stick. I could certainly take him hone with me!!

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  6. I have visions of American Gang members giving the vaccinations. Is it red or blue they wear, would hate to go in the wrong colour:(


    Just had an update on my phone that Asda has been picked to give vaccinations. Think it is only the ones with pharmacies in them though so not Strelley then!

  7. Just been on Nottinghamshirelive and they have a list of vaccination centres. Seems like mine will be Cripps Medical Centre which is somewhere near the university I think. I see the Bracebridge Drive Surgery has been mentioned on here but it isn’t on the list at the moment. 

  8. When we lived in Doncaster we used to walk our German Shepherd with a friend who had a Rotti. It was the first time I had ever been near one, was always a bit wary of them to be honest because of their reputation. However Max was a big softie, more interested in the treats in my husbands pocket than anything else. He was a big lad though and had a thing for our Shepherd bitch Tess. They did have a good time playing together although sometimes Max got a bit “fresh” with Tess and had to be put in his place by her. 
    If someone else appeared walking their dog you could see the horror in their face when they saw them both together, must have looked a bit daunting as they were both big dogs but neither were aggressive and always came back to call. Think Max only did to get a treat, if you didn’t give him one he would keep nudging the pocket they were in until he got one. Lovely memories. 

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  9. I think Kai has just about forgiven me for getting him the coat and possibly not buying him the expensive toy, took a lot of treats though! He is a big lad so there is no way I can get him into the bath so this was the other option which I am pleased to say kept him clean especially his belly which always ended up really muddy. Just the bottom of his back legs are still a bit grubby Where he was ankle deep in a mud patch but I will sort them out later today. 
    The blurb about the coat says it is easier to get on the second time, I must admit I have my doubts about that as he will know what is about to happen although it will depend which walk we do whether he will wear it or not. Thinking of getting myself a coat in the same colours so we are co-ordinated!

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  10. After Kai getting really dirty the past few weeks, he does love a muddy puddle or any mud at all really I have this morning been to our local pet shop (with him in tow) and got him a dog coat. Not a normal one that just covers the back this is a super duper waterproof one with legs in very fetching black and red with silver piping that glows at night. As usual he had to have XL as the large was a bit too small which cost an arm and a leg. He also picked up a long snake toy, which was as big as him, but when I saw the price tag (£17.99) it was very quickly put back, he does have expensive tastes.

    We then went home to get it on him before we went for our proper walk. The other half of my bubble was there so we unpacked and sorted which end was which, logical really as there was a space so he could do what he needed to do while we are out. It fastened along his back with a zip and 2 press studs, the legs had Velcro fastenings on the bottom. So we girded our loins and had a discussion where we should start, deciding on getting the front legs in first.

    Now Kai is very laid back, not much phases him so he was very uninterested in what we were doing. We undid the Velcro on the front legs, it was really long, would go round his leg a couple of times. Picked up his front leg and got it in, pushed it through taking care not to catch his dew claw, Velcro was a bit faffy but managed to sort it in. Easy Peasy. Second leg was a bit harder as he started hopping around on 3 legs trying to pull his leg back but we managed to get it in whereupon the Velcro on this leg wrapped itself round the Velcro on the other leg and Kai then managed with great alacrity to get both legs out and we were back to square one. Deep breath.

    We then decided to do front and back leg on one side and then the other side. Sounded like a plan. We got the back leg in and then the front one. He then decided he had had enough of this and started to walk off very deftly getting his legs out of the coat with a couple of shakes.

    We got him back and started again, this time my companion hung onto the top of the coat when we got 2 legs in so Kai moved and leaned against the fridge with the side that wasn’t in the coat. I moved him but he went back to the fridge a couple of times before I could stop him. We did eventually manage to get the other 2 legs in and had to follow him round the kitchen whilst trying to zip it up.  Kai had by this time gone stiff and just stood there. I checked the legs were done up tight enough and everything else was in order and we were finally ready to go for our walk. Or should I say we were Kai definitely wasn’t.

    We managed to get him to the door eventually, he just didn’t want to walk and looked really unhappy, head down, tail between his legs. Got him outside and very slowly started going up the road, normally he is sniffing around all the time but nothing. He was also walking quite weirdly as well. We persevered and got to the main road, managed to get him across and onto the lane at the start of our walk. I really thought we would have to go back as we were virtually pulling him along. We kept him going, cajoling him along and got to the part where we let him off lead. Let him off but he just wasn’t interested in anything, so we just carried on walking. About half way up he found an interesting sniff and had marked it, at least we had the coat on properly for him to do that. By the end of the lane he was a bit better And we went to the woods, here he picked up a bit more, plenty of mud around. We noticed he was doing his own thing, but perhaps with not as much enthusiasm as usual, so it was an improvement. However if you watched him the hangdog expression came back and he dawdled again. His feet were really muddy and I could see the mud on the underneath of the coat so it was doing it’s job. We went for a takeaway coffee and then walked back home, he was walking almost normally by now although he was still throwing us one of his “looks” every so often. 
    Got him back home and took the coat off, a lot easier than putting it on. He had a good shake and did some vocal complaining. Coat put through washer and hanging up to dry. Not looking forward to round 2:(



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  11. Wonder if anyone can help. I can remember as a kid (in the mists of time) that there was a sand quarry near where we lived on Huxley Close. We were always told not to go there as kids, so of course we made a beeline for it! It would have been on the other side of Bilborough Road.

    There was a bridlepath to it as I recall which we called Sandy Lane, don’t know if this was just a local name or not. I think this is the path I walk Kai as I can remember the top of it with a steep bank on one side covered in trees etc. But I could be getting confused, not unusual, as I can also remember going with my Dad (with his bike and a large sack) to get leaf mould for his garden from a similar place.
    I can also remember when I was at Bilborough grammar that we used to go past it when we did our cross country runs in PE in the 4th form, that is until we told our teacher that there was a man hanging around there watching us running(?) past.
    Could it be where the underground reservoir is now I wonder?

  12. I see the area I live in “Bilborough North” has had a spike in cases, 54 in The last 7 days, which means our rate has gone up to over 400 in 100,000 putting us at the top of the Nottinghamshire table, Broxtowe is about the same as well. I presume this is the start of the Christmas Festivities coming through. 

  13. 2 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

    They were talking on the news this morning about letting the virus take its course with the over 65s,,unbelievable

    It looks like they are starting to do that anyway. Bet it would be different if children were the ones going to hospital and on ventilators, they would be trying to eradicate it not letting it rip.

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  14. I see Keir Starmer is calling for a national lockdown immediately as the virus is out of control. Hooray about time somebody finally realised. 
    Ordered some Taffix spray today, don’t know if it will be any good but sounds like it might help as well as wearing a mask. 

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  15. I have a relative who is in the teaching profession and I can assure that they were not “doing nothing” during the first lockdown. Who do you think was sorting out the “remote learning”, doing lessons by zoom etc? It certainly wasn’t the government who promised laptops etc for every pupil who needed them which never materialised. 
    It makes me very angry when teachers are vilified by the press and the government. If they are “following the science” as the mantra goes then schools would be closed as Sage have advised. Having a decisive government who could make decisions that are needed would help, perhaps we wouldn’t be having 50,000+ cases a day with an alarming number of hospitalisations and unnecessary deaths.




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  16. I haven’t got the 3 dots as I have nothing above the blue banner. I can still post, give likes and navigate round the site although it does involve quite a few steps. Sometimes have to close site and reopen to get to Days posts. 
    Might charge up my old laptop to see if that is any better Although I prefer to use my iPad.

  17. I love black cats. My future husband got me one when we were in Nottingham, took him ages to find an all black one no white anywhere. When we were in Doncaster we ended up with a fighting male tabby (Sam) and a very femine female tortoiseshell called Cindylou. 

  18. Yesterday we had a long walk, it was a good walking day. Went up past the covered reservoir, past Strelley Church and then went down to the woods. Kai had a great time going through every puddle and patch of mud, at one time he was virtually up to his knees in mud, he was only groomed a week ago but hey ho he was enjoying himself. He had a run on the meadow, good to see him stretching his legs, I could see Wolf running with him. Then we went past the alpaca (spelling?) field, although there was no sign of them, under the motorway bridge (more mud for Kai to splash through) and then past the reservoir again and back home.

    It took us about 2 hours and I must admit we were all a bit muddy but had all enjoyed it. Kai met a couple of new friends although there weren’t that many people about as it was about dinner time when we went out.

    Back home Kai had a drink of water and settled down on his bed, nap time calling, we had a cup of tea, then pjs on and watching box sets. A good day.

    Today we haven’t been out, Kai is a bit stiff this morning and to be honest so am I, so a lazy day today after cleaning up to get rid of dirty paw prints on the floor. Kai is spread out on his bed gently snoring after demolishing an extra large pigs ear and I am curled up on my recliner listening to podcasts and having the occasional(?) chocolate. 

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