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Posts posted by Stavertongirl

  1. Had a really nice walk with Kai this morning. Only thing that spoilt it was people racing round on bikes. I don’t always hear them coming and they don’t seem to slow down or let you know they are coming. Don’t bikes have bells now? They could at least shout and slow down to let me know they are coming so I can get Kai on the lead and let them past. I have had a couple of close calls and if one hit Kai they would find they are wearing the bike. It is really starting to annoy me:aggressive:

  2. Yesterday morning I was out walking Kai. It was a beautiful day, birds singing, loads of rabbits frolicking in the sun and I saw 2 male pheasants strutting their stuff across a field. It was so lovely, made me forget the madness that is going on for a bit. Then I got a txt on my phone from the government telling me not to go out bringing me back to reality with a bump. 
    Today I have contacted friends in Doncaster to see how they all are (a couple of them are in the ‘high risk’ category). They had escaped it initially but it is starting to ramp up there now, 3 deaths at the local hospital. Thankfully they are all okay at the moment, either in lockdown or working from home.
    On a lighter note, had a delivery and the driver took a photo of my ‘doggy’ slippers. We both found it quite amusing!

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  3. Different sides of human nature:

    Don’t know how true it is but I have been told that an elderly lady managed to get some eggs in the supermarket, went to get something else and someone took them out her basket. Words fail me.

    When I was at the supermarket yesterday I saw an elderly lady and someone younger go for a jar of coffee (The last one). Younger person got it then turned to the elderly lady and insisted she take it. Felt she should have got a standing ovation.

    My hairdresser is opening up on Monday (her day off) so a relative and I can get our hair done with no one else in the shop. It is only a small shop and I didn’t want to be in such close proximity with so many people. Big tip I think.

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  4. I have just been out to go to the chemist to pick up my prescription and have a wander round the shops to admire the empty shelves. Got milk but bread is rarer than rocking horse teeth, tea and coffee about the same. There wasn’t any bird stuff for my bird feeders either strangely, unless someone has recipes to use it? 
    I wore my mask for the first time, felt a bit silly, but then there was someone else in the supermarket with one as well. Gave each other a thumbs up and queued together at checkout. I did get some strange looks, but better safe than sorry and I have read that there are some who don’t have any symptoms but are still contagious which is quite scary.

    Apparently a fight has broken out at the local Asda, this is really bringing out the worst in people, know now why I prefer my dog! Of course the scammers are on to it as well, didn’t take them long did it, I really do despair of some of the human race they really are despicable. 
    So now I will be self isolating, just taking Kai out for a walk each day to get some exercise and fresh air. Got loads of pod casts to listen to and plenty of knitting etc. Just wish we knew when it will be over, at least the news from China is better, have to hope the virus doesn’t re-emerge when the lockdown is finally eased there.

    Glad your cough has eased Brew, keep safe NonnB and family my thoughts are with you. Be healthy everyone.

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  5. I have had 3 deliveries today. Two of them left the parcel by the front door, knocked and retreated to the street and stood by the fence until I opened the door then took my name. The other handed it to me over the fence as I had seen him pull up, took my name and beat a hasty retreat. Glad they did it that way but did make me feel like I had the plague! 
    Really hoping Boris closes schools in England I am really worried about a relative that is a teacher. Unfortunately words like stable door, horse and bolted do come to mind.

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  6. I had a txt earlier about my Iceland order which I do every month. Some of the stuff I usually have is out of stock this time. As I had to go and pick up my prescription decided to go to Heron/Co-op to get what I couldn’t from Iceland as I am going to self isolate from today. Wishful thinking I am afraid, the shops looked like they had been visited by gannets, lots of empty spaces on shelves and freezer.  From what was being said the local Asda and Aldi had been visited by them as well. Seems the toilet roll buyers have now moved onto other things as well. 
    I have stocked up on Kai’s food, got 2 bags of his complete arriving tomorrow from my internet pet store along with his treats (wouldn’t dare run out of these) and have a months supply of his beef and chicken to be going on with. 
    We will be having our walks every day to get me out of the house, we don’t see many people where we go anyway, and I have got a load of projects to be going on with at home. I am going to miss my clubs/lunches at the local pub, shopping expeditions to Primark etc, but unfortunately needs must. The next step is wearing the “Darth Vader” looking mask if I do go to the shops for anything although I will try to order online for as much as possible.

    I was looking forward to the summer after all the terrible weather we have had this winter, had lots of things we were going to do, now it feels like it has been stolen away by this. The worst thing I think is that no one knows for certain when it will end or even if it will become a yearly thing like the flu. Whoever let this cat out of the bag had a lot to answer for!


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  7. For me self isolating will be easy, just a case of not going to my Monday Club and then meal at the Holly Tree and my Friday club with meal after at the local pub. Going to miss them but needs must and I can keep in contact by phone and txt, same with relatives and can also talk via Alexa and FaceTime, won’t be the same but better than nothing. Obviously I won’t be doing the invigilating at the exams this summer, unless there is a miracle, pity I was looking forward to taking my young lady thru her exams after doing the mocks with her. Hopefully will be able to do the exams later this year possibly?
    I have plenty of cross stitch kits to be getting on with, going to order some wool off the internet for knitting and crocheting to keep me busy and charge up my kindle. Might even get some paint and paint my fence when the weather improves!
    I am a little concerned about Kai not being able to go for a walk every day (weather permitting) although we don’t really see anyone where we walk so not sure whether to get up early and take him out then or not. I will miss our walks together which help to keep us both mobile. I suppose it is technically breaking the self isolation so will have to think about it when the time comes. 

    It is strange I never considered myself elderly and it didn’t hit home that I was included in that group until a relative pointed out that I was. I always thought of “elderly” as being older than me!

    I do wonder when the peak finally hits if age will become a factor in hospitalisation and treatment. I am lead to believe this is the case in Italy but am not sure, it could just be “fake news”, perhaps NonnaB will be able to confirm this or not as I heard the cut off age was 65 there.
    I don’t know if the governments strategy is correct. Let “nature take its course” which it seems to be sounds a bit risky. I would have thought the South Korea model would have been better than the Italian route, but with hardly any information being given out except wash your hands and sneeze into hankies it is hard to tell. 

    Sorry to go on for so long, stay safe and healthy everyone.

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  8. Just been shopping locally and the girls on the tills at a Heron were wearing latex gloves. Well done Heron trying to protect their staff as much as they can in a retail environment. Local ASDA last nite had no hand sanitiser or loo rolls, luckily didn’t want either.
    I was going to see a friend next week, I usually travel there by bus. It is too far to walk and not far enough for a taxi, bit of a conundrum (spelling?) not sure whether to go or not. 
    Sad to hear there have been two deaths caused by this virus. As you get to a certain age most of us have some sort of underlying health problem, it comes with the territory I suppose. 
    I do agree the Chinese should be pressed on the origin of the virus, especially as, from what I understand, it came from the same region as SARS, although I could be wrong on that. But if so it makes you wonder what the h**l is going on there.

    One last thought, I found it quite English (British if you must) that that in the midst of this crisis the family of the victim in Nottingham have been “asked” to self isolate. Let us hope that they will heed this polite request and that they all remain healthy.



  9. From what I have seen reported (if it is true?)this new virus originated from the same place as the SARS virus. Does make you wonder what is going on in that region. Also heard or saw somewhere that it had skipped species (possibly from bat to person) by someone eating an infected endangered animal. Again this could be propaganda and I could have misheard\misread something.
    Or could it be a case of Mother Earth biting back?

  10. J T Wakes post got me thinking about the “crazes” of my far distant childhood. I was very good at 2 ball and am sure I could also do 3 ball as well, took loads of practice but gave you bragging rights. Snobs was another (was it also called jacks as well or was that different?). It took me ages to master that, could always pick up one or two but after that struggled a bit. Just when I could do it we had moved onto something else.
    I loved skipping once I worked out the running in and out without snagging the rope. Mrs Chambers gave us her old washing line and after cutting some off to tie up Fat Michael (very un-pc but I can remember my parents calling him that as well) it was long enough to stretch right across the road. We lived in a close so we weren’t disturbed at all except for the occasional bike. I just can’t remember the chants we used to skip to at all perhaps someone else can refresh my memory? 
    Hopscotch was another but always used to cause arguments from what I can remember about whether your foot was in the square or over the line.

    Of course there was marbles which regularly ended in tears when someone lost all theirs, you usually ended up having to give them back to prevent fisticuffs. 
    Then there was statues and the one where one gave initials of pop stars and everyone else had to guess, can’t remember what that was called. 
    There must have been more but can’t think of any more at moment, need. Cup of tea and choccy biscuit after all that remembering!


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  11. As the weather is so miserable decided to have an in day, just Kai and I, do some housework and then settle down and watch some telly this afternoon. Kai has recently become an avid telly watcher and we sit on the floor together and watch all sorts of rubbish. 
    Hoovering my kitchen and happened to glance into the conservatory and there was a lake on the floor, surprised it didn’t have a couple of ducks and some seagulls on it. Got my wellies on and ventured in. During the summer my handyman had sorted out 3 leaks, however the water was coming in different ways this time. From what I could see there are now 3 new leaks. (Funny how a lot of things in this house come in threes starting to think it is possessed!) Two of them are either end of where it adjoins the house and the other is in the front either coming from in between the panel and the floor or from the frame.  I think I am getting to the stage where I want to take a sledgehammer to it and just demolish it (feel like that about the house very often as well). I don’t use it, too cold in winter and red hot in summer as I darent open the sliding door as it takes ages to get it to shut properly as it is shall we say past it’s sell by date and if you open the windows they are really hard to close and you have to slam them really hard and I have visions of the whole thing collapsing.

    I have also noticed that the rendering on the unsheltered corner of the house  has got a bit of green what I think is algae on it. I dread to think what this could be but just hope it is cosmetic with all the rain we have had. Someone said to get a pressure washer on it once the rain has stopped, don’t think so I have visions of the rendering falling off!

    When I bought this house I was really excited, it was the start of a new life near my family although without my beloved husband but it has become a bit of a nightmare. It seems as soon as I get things sorted out (or so I think) something else crops up. If I had known at the time of buying what I know now I wouldn’t have touched it with a barge pole. I feel like I was conned, it looks good on the surface but has a multitude of sins beneath. I really want my old house back, it wasn’t perfect but it didn’t leak!
    It feels like I am in a constant battle with the house, it wouldn’t be so bad if I had money to throw at it but I don’t so it looks like the money I am saving for decorating will have to go on sorting the conservatory out/knocking it down. I think I will try and stick it out for another year then will seriously think about selling and finding something else, possibly a bungalow I think, not getting any younger. Will look into Council bungalows as well but don’t know if I would meet the criteria for them. I am really starting to hate this house:angry2: 

    Sorry this is so longwinded but feel better getting it off my chest.

  12. I have always hated net curtains, they are just dust gatherers. Did have them though as everyone seemed to. Hated having to take them down as getting them back up you needed arms like Arnold thingymebob (not attempting to spell his last name). I can remember soaking them in glo white as they used to go a dingy grey if you weren’t careful. I got the impression you were judged on the whiteness of your nets!

  13. So this is it leaving day. Must say I never thought it would happen. Doesn’t feel any different to any other day. I am not going to be doing any celebrating, this is only the beginning celebrations should be for when we make a success of it, which I am sure we ALL will. 
    I know many did not want to leave, but with all due respect many did not want to join in the first place either. 

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  14. I am pleased to say that Kai has started eating properly over the past few days. Before that he was eating very little and I was starting to get worried about him. Hopefully he is now going to continue. He is a lot more settled, enjoying his walks, cuddles and playtime. The only thing he is still doing is when we get back from a walk he has to check all over the house and back garden still, possibly checking to see if Wolf has come back? 
    He has also started barking when the postman/delivery driver knocks at the door, he didn’t do it before as Wolf was the one who did the barking not him. 
    I still miss my handsome boy, especially on walks when they used to play together, chasing and stalking each other. It won’t be the same when we eventually go to the woods and meadow when the weather has settled down a bit. 
    But it seems we are both coming to terms with it and life must go on without my Wolf.

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