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Posts posted by Stavertongirl

  1. Been reminiscing. Went with companion to Foxhall Road, Forest Fields to find out where Foxhall Lodge was and parking etc. My husband and I used to rent a flat on Foxhall Road so I walked up the road (didn’t remember just how steep the hill was) and found the house the flat was in. Bought back some very happy memories of a good time. House parties where all 3 flats were involved and weekend parties at the house down the road, if I remember rightly it was a West Indian family that lived there, but anyway the parties were amazing and so was the food. Sunny days sunbathing on the Forest, with games of football and cricket where loads joined in. The Arbritum (spelling) with the mynah birds, wasn’t there one who would swear? It hasn’t changed much round there, the small Indian shop is still there that was open every day from early until late. Then we went to Wiverton Road where we rented a flat as well before we upgraded to the one on Foxhall. Many happy memories and good times. A small ray of sunshine on such a miserable day.

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  2. Is it true that Beagles can be a bit noisy? They bay rather than bark or is that just when they are hunting? They are nice looking dogs, always look happy. Must admit one of mine has his moments - he looks at you and you can see him thinking “I know you called me but I will just do this first”.

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  3. That is really intricate Nonna. Post the dragon when you are able I would be interested in seeing it. I will try to post a picture of my water dragon which us my favourite if I can remember how to do it. When I am doing them I always like to get the eyes done as quickly as possible makes them seem more alive. Oh dear that sounds a bit creepy:Shock:

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  4. Fourth week on my new meds, think things are a bit better although still getting some thumping heartbeats, occasionally feel hot but have noticed this week that I am continually hungry at moment. Not noticed any weight gain yet which is a bit disappointing but perhaps it is too soon yet. Got a blood test on Monday, fasting one so chloresteral(?) can be checked as well, got my book club after appointment so will have to nip to cafe and get some toast before I go there. Phone appointment week after for results to see what is happening. Just hope they are starting to work now.

  5. Out walking my boys today and they made 2 new friends, a beagle and a beautiful Bermese Water Dog. He was gorgeous, only 8 months old but very calm and friendly. He was very handsome, had legs like tree trunks and enormous paws and stood as tall as my two boys. Dog greetings over we talked to owner, he already weighed 40kg at 8 months old, the same as my boys at 8 years old, will weigh in excess of 50kg when full grown. I had never seen one in real life just on tv rescuing people from water. I was really taken with him, as were my boys afraid the beagle didn’t get much of a look in, could have taken him home. Still my companion loves beagles so we were both happy.

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  6. I had someone knock at my door, usual speel, in area doing work nearby want new windows, by the way your fascias are a mess would you like a quote to do them? Wasn’t doing much that afternoon so thought why not. Chap came round, seemed pleasant enough and boy could he talk. Told me all about the firm, never heard of them before, explained what they would do, had videos and graphs, showed me samples of materials used, starting to get bored now. Eventually he had a look round outside of house, kept calling me outside to ask questions and point things out. Explained how much scaffolding would be needed and finally after what seemed hours came to the quote. It was over £6000, after I stopped feeling faint I said it was too high for me, he asked how much I expected I said about £1500 to £2000, so he said he would try and cut it down, he did a bit to under £6000. I said no it was too high and he launched into how well they would do it etc. etc. Still said no I would expect good plating for that figure. Eventually he went leaving me his phone number in case I changed my mind, hope he isn’t holding his breath as I won’t not at that price I had the windows at my other house changed for just a bit more than that quote by Everest who aren’t exactly cheap. Four hours if my life I will never get back!

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  7. Browsing they old posts I found this one, don’t know if anyone will be interested but here goes. I knit, crochet and do counted cross stitch. I enjoy crosd stitch, find it very relaxing and do it whilst listening to my podcasts. I have some of my creations framed and hung on the walls in my front room. I have a thing about dragons, collect dragon ornaments, and have 4 large cross stitch ones on my walls, they are earth, fire, water and I think the fourth is air(?). I also do animal ones as well, cats, foxes, wolves (one of my favourite animals) and also teddy bears suprisingly. I like doing the ones with the black background but find these are easier if done when the days are longer as under artificial light they can be a bit taxing on the eyes. I also crochet, at present I am doing a throw for my chair in the conservatory. I go to a craft club on Friday mornings where there is an expert crocheter(?), she does amazing things and is showing me new stitches as I only really know the basics that my Nan taught me. Wish I had let her teach me more but I was a teenager at the time and had other important things to do! Knitting comes and goes, I have times when I have a splurge with it, but then go on to other things, but like a butterfly easily distracted by something new. There is also someone who does macrame (spelling), which I have always wanted to do but there doesn’t seem to be much you can do with it once learned. So back to doing my squares for my thow.






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  8. Once again the word games are under fire. I must say that I enjoy them, gets the grey matter going. It was once insinuated that people only played them to get their post counts up (the same could be said about old photos), didn’t know what that meant, I wasn’t counting my posts and could not have cared less about the number, everyone is different so each to their own. If I can trawl through numerous posts of old photos (don’t need reminding about the poverty we grew up with I lived in it) then surely you can trawl through the word games as well. I am going to have a break from the site (don’t think I will be missed as I don’t post that often now and it will be one less in the word games), I will probably have a look now and then to see what is going on if the site is still here.

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  9. I sometimes despair of the younger generation of women, it seems the slightest thing is classed as sexual harrassment. Are all the younger generation of women so spineless that a wolf whistle can cause mental distress. When I was younger it was more upsetting not to get one when you walked past a building site together with the ensuing retort. Perhaps my generation were bought up tougher than the present one. I am in no way minimising real harrassment of any kind but come on ladies (and some gentlemen) get a grip and stop crying wolf so real harrassment can be investigated.

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  10. Celery juice is sometimes mentioned in connection with thyroid problems. (Wouldn’t it be mostly water when juiced like cucumber?) However on a thyroid forum someone came off their meds and just drank it. Ended up in hospital seriously ill. Whilst I hate being on medication I am wary of “miracle cures”  which are touted on the internet (been caught out before) although some herbal medicines seem to help in certain conditions. 

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  11. Such a lovely day yesterday we took the dogs out for their walk, went the usual way, lots of others had the same idea. Having a problem with Kai, both boys are trained to come back on second whistle, first one stop second one come back. However Kai has suddenly started ignoring whistle when he sees a dog/person and is running to them which makes his brother hesitate and then follow suit. They are both well socialised and everyone is their friend but I am a bit of a loss why he has suddenly started doing this. They are big boys and it must be terrifying for the person they are going to especially if they have children let alone a dog. I kept him on lead after he had done it just let his brother off but they are big lads and need to have a run. Any insight would be welcomed, I am going to find the flexi lead I have so, hopefully I will have more control over him and stop him doing it . Anyway after that we went across motorway bridge to another place we have found which is quieter and has a large meadow where we can let them off so at least he had a good run. I took bottles of water so boys could have a drink, they nearly emptied both bottles. Came back a different way across motorway bridge and finally ended up by Strelley Church where I was relieved to sit on the bench. I always thought there was a female pirate’s grave in the churchyard, can remember it from when I was a child and we used to roam all over, however I had a look and it isn’t, it has a skull and crossbones on which is why I thought she was a pirate but apparently they were put on a lot of old gravestones, pity really much more romantic to think she was a pirate. Finally got back home, we had walked 6 miles, had something to eat then crashed out on settee in front of tv, woke up at about 12 and went to bed. Boys were still crashed out this morning when I got up, legs ache like anything, have a blister under my big toe but think we will be doing it again weather permitting as we all enjoyed it. Boys are racing round garden so they would probably go again today, me - no not today next weekend perhaps.


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  12. Treated myself to a pair of Kickers boots, had a pair a few years ago and they were really comfortable for walking my boys. Decided to wear them round the house to “bed them in”. Took me ages to get them on, tied them up and started doing my chores. Feel like Minnie Mouse in them (have you seen those u-tube videos of dogs with boots on - felt like I was walking like them). I am not sure but think I may have the only pair which are carnivorous they appear to be eating my toes and for good measure gnawing on my ankle bones, good job I have compeed plasters for blisters. Just taken them off (a battle in itself) and soaped them inside to try and soften them up. I remember now why I hate buying new shoes, think it might be crocs next time!

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  13. I have just spent an hour and a half (which I will never get back) filling in an application form for a casual invigilator at a school. Whilst I appreciate it is a job with young people this form is a complete nitemare. I must admit it is a long time since I have filled one in but this form doesn’t seem to fit with the job somehow, it seems like a “one fits all” form which means some of the questions are strange. For instance what qualifications do you have that will enable you to do this job, well the main job entails watching kids doing exams to make sure they don’t cheat, giving out and collecting exam papers, so what qualifications do I have - I can walk, my eyesight is okay so that must be a bonus and my hands can pick up things. Didn’t have a clue what to put, you had to fill it in or you couldn’t get onto the next page and by this time I was losing the will to live (I was on about page 5 or 6 I think) so I put my one and only GCE (yes I do mean GCE) Of English Language down. Then we got onto employment history with dates etc. Flipping heck half the time I can’t remember today’s date let alone dates from many years back. Give details of work experience and how they relate to this job. Right, nothing does really except walking etc. as above. Just put my last 2 jobs on form as to be quite honest by this time I could not care if I got the job or not. When I rang about the job originally they said they were desperate for people to do it, I can understand why now. Going to have a lie down in a darkened room with a cool cloth over my forehead. I wish I had a fag!

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  14. I have been given 5mg tablets, this is my third week taking them, they are minute, worry about dropping them don’t think I would find them if I do! I think they are the smallest dose you can get. Back at the doctor next week to see how I have got on with them, the only side effect I have had (up to now) is making my hair fall out a bit and it is very dry, but apparently this should stop once my body has adjusted to them (I hope). Haven’t noticed any real difference yet but leaflet says 4 to 6 weeks before they really start to work. I have to have a blood test beginning of March and then have a telephone appointment with clinic to find out results. They seem to think I will be able to eventually cut down medication and might end up not needing it at all (fingers crossed). 

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