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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. I'm stood on the ramparts looking out.
  2. Many many thanks Cliff Ton. Alas I had to photograph it through glass so picked up reflections. Still got a 'commended' sticker on the back. Can't believe I painted it 45 years ago !! Must sort out some others now. Beekay.
  3. Hey Phil, we've got a Mayfield near us. It's off the A267, on the way to Tunbridge Wells. A beautiful village !! B.
  4. The walls were about 8ft thick, I'm sure I would have felt secure in that. Bodium never saw any action though, first shot fired and they surrendered.
  5. Now you're splitting hairs Waddo. Take a look at Bodium castle, now that's a castle ! It was a ruin before the Americans started their history, thanks to Cromwell.
  6. Would've thought they could have come up with a better shape than square. Not much imagination there.
  7. I remember two in 1978 and three more in 1982, (but I think they were lost).
  8. Never knew Newark and Nottingham were at war with each other. You learn summat everyday.
  9. Your right Margie, my cat told me that !!
  10. Off to bed. Good night all. Barrie This thread didn't last long ! I thought Nottingham castle might be a bit more interesting.
  11. Margie, I have never sent my photos to anywhere like Facebook, cloud, twitter, woolworths, Tesco or anywhere else. They have gone on my PC, tablet, DVDs or flash sticks. Wouldn't even know where to begin. I'm afraid I just understand the concept of uploading to photo-hosting sites. B.
  12. Margie and AG, I still have one of the paintings, I did it in 1974. It is a watercolour and would you believe takes pride of place in our bathroom. So, when I'm sat on the throne I can look at it and be reminded of years past. Incidentally, I would love to post a view but I've no idea how to do it, because tried it before and it just tells me it's too big as there is a limit. B.
  13. My claim to fame with Nottingham castle was that I had two paintings hanging in there as part of an exhibition of art from Coal board employees. Sometime in the eighties. Beekay.
  14. Just seen that film today, 13th march. It was on film 4 at 11.00am. Also starred Cornele Wilde, Charlton Heston and James Stewart. Beekay
  15. Had a deep clean and small filling last Thursday, at a cost of £59.40. Thought that was bad enough. You have my sympathy Brew. Say cheese!
  16. Does it pick up cats too Margie?
  17. Do I take it you don't like Dysons Waddo? Its only a guess mind. I still use a dustpan and brush.
  18. Many thanks for your vote of confidence. A welcome reassurance. Barrie.
  19. Apologies if my posts have lowered the atmosphere of this forum Trogg.
  20. My understanding Brew, it involves money initially. B.
  21. Bless you MargieH. xx B.
  22. My understanding is that his son and grandkids have first say. It's all rather complicated Rog. Thanks for your thoughts. B.