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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. Hiya Margie, loved the Nativity stone theme. What a brilliant and simple idea. Here's wishing you and yours a second Happy Christmas !! Can I be the first to wish you "Happy Easter"
  2. Send your Spanish jokes to me Carni, and I'll try to interpret them. FELICE NAVIDAD !!!xx
  3. Its Christmas day, another empty box ="action man deserter kit"! HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL, (that is if anyone's reading) and PEACEFUL NEW YEAR., Barrie.
  4. @alan s Has this one worked. B.
  5. Brew, what on earth made you think you'd upset me?? Life is too short to be offended or to offend. Happy Christmas.
  6. I still luv ya ! Nonna, Felice Navidad !! Whoops sorry, that's Spanish xx
  7. @alan s. Thought I'd try your advice to see if it works. With my luck I'm probably contacting someone in the Himalayas. Still, it would be another contact
  8. Try to keep my meagre posts to a minimum, that way I don't want to bore people to distraction. I try to post a question or maybe a response to others. Please, someone tell me I'm doing it right. B.
  9. Gem, How do I know when and if anyone is laughing at my posts?? ( don't have any sound effects on this tablet. I'm using a paracetamol tablet).
  10. Margie, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't say anything that might offend me. I very much appreciate your replies to my meagre attempts at " tongue in cheek" posts. I do know I would certainly not type anything that could cause offence to anyone, l would crack one of my terrible jokes or indulge in "All our yesterdays", but my past is fairly boring.. Happy Christmas M. Barrie xx
  11. Well that's me told ! Wots 'pretty in pink' and hard of thinking' mean?
  12. Having just read the last 14 posts on this thread and here I am again ! Back in the wilderness, in the middle of the desert of "I haven't got a clue". Just when I thought I was getting the hang of this threads and posting lark, I'm back where I started. I realise I've only been on NS since October, but have progressed to advanced Nottstalgian. Here's me thinking it was a light hearted forum where you make new 'pen friends' and then wallop !! Too heavy for me. B.
  13. The secret is, to make up your mind to stop. It's no good thinking about it, just do it. I was a 60a day man but decided to stop, that was it. Never looked back. Still describe myself as a smoker who doesn't touch tobacco. Happy Christmas Cherub. Beekay
  14. And Easter eggs in the shops !! Happy Christmas Jill Sparrow.. Barrie.xx
  15. Im off to bed now, my brain hurts ! Night and God Bless one and all. xx
  16. Maybe it's a secret society that we mere mortals are not privvy to. Happy Christmas Carnie. B.
  17. When you think about it Ian, the old 44 trolleybus was a fair old route. All the way from Bulwell hall to Colwick woods. Can't remember how many journeys one was able to do on a shift. Never thought about it before but I could have bragged about being in the travel industry. Have a great Christmas pal !!! B.
  18. Yet again I've lost it !! The subject has gone from stealing, to dentists, to swearing etc. How's a bloke supposed to make any sense of it all? On the bright side though, it's a lot more interesting than the telly. It feels like sitting in a room with all my new found friends. I don't have to understand, just join in and go along with the rest of you. Note !! Easter eggs are in our shops. Cheers one and all !! Beekay.
  20. This time this day in 1978 I was at my youngest sons funeral. He was nine years old. Hope your friends from Sussex enjoy their stay Jonab.
  21. I finished driving corpo buses way back in 1966. Can't believe its 52 years ago. Where did all those years disappear to?
  22. Catfan, just to mention, my family originate from bulwell. My gran lived on commercial road and my eldest brother was born on Lime Street. My aunt and uncle had the cross keys, up commercial rd., and my aunt Annie and uncle bill lived near 'Top House'. Had some relatives living up China town. When I first started on N.C.T. I had happy memories on the 43 trollies in Bulwell market. Also used to drive for Makemsons for a while, market to Best wood village and evening run to Calverton pit for night staff. Can I be the first to wish you 'Happy Easter !! B.
  23. Hey Catfan, just noticed where you reside. I myself and 'er indoors lived at Snape Wood for a number of year but we got better. Moved to East Sussex in 1987. It pays to keep one step ahead of the law. But as stated earlier, the bu99ers catch up with ya !! Merry Christmas Catfan.
  24. I bow to your superior knowledge Catfan. Call it what you like, it's still a dive in your pocket. Actually, having re-read the the paperwork, it is called ' Bus lane penalty charge notice'. Anyway I've paid the bloody thing. Next time I come up to Nottingham I think I'll come up on a bicycle. Us Neanderthal's still use steam television. Thank you for your kind thoughts Margie. B.
  25. This might not be relevant but have just got back home from my annual pilgrimage to Nottingham, to find through my letterbox a greeting from Nottingham council. I had apparently strayed onto a bus lane and the council graciously sent me a £60.00 fine !! I thought what a nice way to welcome me home, that the council remembered one of it's sons. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU NOTTINGHAM !