Old Park in Notttingham City Centre

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Hi All

I remember a small park I use to go to as a young kid, very near the Pitcher and Piano I think but could be wrong in the city centre, looking back sure there was some maybe caves around there in the park.

Does anyone remember the name of the park or have any info please.

Kind Regards BKT

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I reckon you're thinking of the small park which was on Garner's Hill http://www.pictureth...019632&prevUrl=

It was destroyed by the building of the hideous Contemporary monstrosity.

If you look at Picture the Past and search for "Garner" you'll find quite a few photos of the park. It was in the area above the entrance to the old GC railway tunnel to Victoria Station

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Did the

I reckon you're thinking of the small park which was on Garner's Hill http://www.pictureth...019632&prevUrl=

It was destroyed by the building of the hideous Contemporary monstrosity.

If you look at Picture the Past and search for "Garner" you'll find quite a few photos of the park. It was in the area above the entrance to the old GC railway tunnel to Victoria Station

Did the Statue end up at the Castle?

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In the 1980s, there was the murder of a young lad in the Lace Market.

Those caved had connections, and there were Evening post reports of witchcraft connections.

There were witchcraft symbols in those caves.

More Nottingham heritage destroyed by the 'developers'

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