where or what was the area Sneinton Bottoms

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Round the market place I think:

'The Grapes with its roomy public bar was in an area known as Sneinton Bottoms, and came down to make way for the wholesale vegetable market that consequently occupied the site. Residents were moved to new council houses in Sneinton.'


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there was a junk shop in the buildings that adjoined Victoria Baths. My schoolmate's mother bought a cheapo dress clock from there that turned out to have diamonds in the number spots! She thought they were glass and so did the shop owner.

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There was more than one junk shop if my memory serves me right...and they were full to the doors with clobber..God knows what they had hidden away at the back.They couldn't have seen it for years..reminds me of those TV progs about hoarders.

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there was a junk shop in the buildings that adjoined Victoria Baths. My schoolmate's mother bought a cheapo dress clock from there that turned out to have diamonds in the number spots! She thought they were glass and so did the shop owner.

Interesting. How did she find out?

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Her son's friend was something of an antiques freak and spotted it. She immediately sold it but I don't know how much she got for it.

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This is Finch Street, described as being within "The Bottoms". Not a name you'd want to admit living in.


It disappeared under the old Fruit and Veg market - now itself no longer there.

The road visible across the far end is approximately Southwell Road (the very bottom end of Carlton Road)

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