Pruning time folks.

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Now's the time of year to prune you trees and bushes if you haven't already done so. A good digging will prepare your garden soil for winter and allow the frosts (northern hemisphere of course) to break the clods into a fine tilth. It also allows the birds access to your garden pests and their eggs :) A coat of manure will break down nicely and give a fine seed bed surface for the coming spring.

Anyone thinking of growing their own bedding plants should be obtaining seed now for a December sowing. Broad beans and garlic can still be planted directly into their growing positions but hurry, the ground will soon be too cold.

Have a nice Christmas folks :)

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Just been in the garden this afternoon pulling out dead tomato plants and withered plants. When i moved in the house had two lovely raised beds, so dug over the now empty one and the other is pretty full of winter flowers such as pansies and violas. Iv also made some homemade fat balls, wich are now hanging up ready for winter snacks for the birds, I never used to get any birds at the old house, even though it was only up the road, i now get a lovely mix of birds popping in for a nibble and a nosey!

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Yes indeed. Have a few trees and it's some job every year. The two garden bins will be getting some good use. Been doing some pruning as well but it would nice to just be able to potter a bit with something!

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Thinking about getting a couple of small tree's myself, cant wait for the weather to get better, my garden is mainly mix matched concrete, surely that cant be made that attractive so getting it ripped up somehow and grass layed. For now, i can enjoy my flower beds :)

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Don't plant trees or any substantial shrub anywhere near to drains, walls or buildings.

You will regret it in coming years.

I appear to have some sort of a tree growing out from under my house, through the concrete and up the wall.... just looks like a load of sticks now the leaves have come off. & yep stu, not getting any yet, getting garden sorted first then ill have a look. My mums got a flamingo tree, i think? looks lovely when it blooms!

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Compost bins can usually be had for about a fiver from community council schemes. Check with your local conservation group or community councillors.

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Fallen leaves make excellent soil improver if stored for a year in bags. Old coal or potato bags are fine. They also break down well in a composter made from old pallets (as Stu said). Simply get four pallets of the same size and fasten them into a cue shape; sill with leaves and leave for a year. You will find that after a couple of weeks the pile of leaves shrink down significantly and can be topped up again.

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Pixie: Have you considered getting bushes instead of trees. Trees can soon swamp a small town garden and become a nightmare. Look up scented shrubs and give yourself pleasure from the scent as you walk around the garden.

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The apple crop across the country has been a failure this year. Even up here in the north of Scotland the year has been worse than usual. This is the first year since I moved into this house, 18yrs ago, that I have not been able to get enough wild apples from the railway line to make cider :(

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What variety is it, Bubblewrap?

Are there any others in the vicinity. Apples are not self fertile. They require at least one other variety in teh same pollination group to set fruit. "Triploids" need two other varieties.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Compost bins can usually be had for about a fiver from community council schemes. Check with your local conservation group or community councillors.

My compost/manure bins are made of old pallets.

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I had a four section pallet composting line. When the stuff had been transferred throughout the system it was perfect for use. Alas, two of them have now decomposed and I'm left with one at either end of the line. One of my winter jobs is to construct another pair to remake the line :)

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