Went Dolphin watching.

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I went dolphin watching from the shore at Chanonry Point, Black Isle, Easter Ross the other day. The weather was foul and consequently, despite it being Europe's best onshore dolphin spot, there were no 'Bottlenosed Dolphins' about. I know everyone likes to see a picture of dolphins but the best I could do on this occasion was this picture of a dolphin that wasn't there:


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My son in Oz lives on the coast.Most mornings he jogs with his wife down to the beach where there is a restaurant on a short pier.They sit there in the warm sea breeze with breakfast watching the local dolphins gambolling in the warm waters.

I open my curtains here and see the litter blowing round the local Tesco Express....'aint life bloody fair eh?

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Some bast*rd has taken to slinging his rubbish out of the car window up our road. Every time it is the same - a plastic bag containing empty pop cans (In particular, Irn Bru) and polystyrene takeaway food boxes. The crows get into the bag and strew the rubbish everywhere. I have taken some photos this morning and will write to the local paper, inviting this dirty bast*rd to explain why he does this. I say HE because I can't believe a lady would do such a thing - but maybe I'm wrong.

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