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I am trying to locate a Richard Dunsmore who as the title says lived on Leybourne drive on the Bestwood estate around the Late 40's early 50's maybe.

All I know is he lived with Minnie and Andrew Moore at somewhere around 216.

My Mum (Dorothy Redmile) who I believe fostered him (for a short time) lived at 208 and eventually had twin daughters (my sister and me)

All we was told is that one Saturday morning his father came and told my Mum they were taking him back, They took him and we never heard or saw of him again. Needless to stay it broke my Mums heart.

If anybody has any details of Richard or any memories of Leybourne drive around that time (late 40's early 50's) please could you get in contact with me.

Thank you


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ay up dat 47,i was born on LEYBOURNE and spent all my growing up years living there and ANDOVER,You must have lived very near if not next door to my old classmates Tony LEATHERLAND and Paul Joyce,the only Redmile i remember was a couple of years older than me i think his name was Graham and i think had a funny eye.I was born in 45.does any of that resonate me duck? Also i had many other relatives on Leybourne.

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We lived near the 28 bus terminus, next door to Mr and Mrs King. They had 2 sons Cyril and Alan, my sister and I were brides maids to Cyril when he married June. They had a daughter called Susan. Does that ring any bells?

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cant remember any Kings,its a wonder cos i have a good memory from those days,my 1st girlfriend Sandra lived at 218 just across Padstow rd,did you go to Henry Whipple?

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I think he would have been about 5.Ireally am clutching at straws Don't know anything else about him as he stayed with mum & dad before my sister & I were born.We moved from Leybourne to Sherwood when my sister (twin) & I were 2. Thanks anyway Mellisa for your kindness

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